Example sentences of "'s [adv prt] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's down to me to break it , so I ask , ‘ They said anything yet ? ’
2 Taylor points out , though : ‘ It 's down to me to make sure that everyone sticks together , and from what I 've seen there is no feeling of resentment among the other lads about the way I 'm using Paul .
3 McHale revealed : ‘ Basically , it 's down to them to come here and impress .
4 Between now and Sunday it 's down to you to decide that you definitely want to go ahead and be confirmed .
5 Unless you 're a tenant , it 's down to you to make sure gas appliances receive the regular expert servicing they need .
6 If I find a client , and promise something to him , then it 's down to you to produce it . ’
7 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
8 One puts one 's work before the public and it 's up to them to respond .
9 Chairman , erm , as I understand it this afternoon is , is a free vote and I , for that reason end there , I hope that persuade any waverers er one way , erm , at the moment we 've got agreements with tenants and it 's up to them to decide what to do with their land .
10 It 's up , it 's up to them to clean their act up .
11 So I think they 're right to be suspicious , and it 's right for those people who feel they have a role it 's up to them to make it appear interesting and to show them the relevance .
12 But they got us into this mess , it 's up to them to get us out of it .
13 ‘ It 's the clash which everyone in boxing wants to see but it 's up to them to get back in touch with us . ’
14 It 's up to her to decide .
15 ‘ Every time I play I feel fitter and it 's up to me to put things in order .
16 ‘ I feel it 's up to me to put the record straight . ’
17 As far as I 'm concerned , some of them are disgusting , but I do n't think it 's up to me to say so .
18 So I reckon that it 's up to me to get a job and pay for Dad 's medical care . ’
19 He said : ‘ It 's up to me to convince the manager I deserve to be in the team regularly .
20 ‘ It 's up to me to convince Everton to give me a new contract , ’ he said .
21 He said : ‘ Things went no better or worse than I expected : I 'm getting that sort of treatment every game now and it 's up to me to overcome it .
22 He said : ‘ I have waited a long time for this chance and it 's up to me to make the most of it .
23 ‘ So it 's up to us to heal the breach , ’ Louise urged .
24 ‘ The same thing happened to Arsenal last season after Benfica knocked them out , of the European Cup , but they came with a late run and it 's up to us to do the same .
25 But in captivity there 's nowhere for them to run , so it 's up to us to see they do n't hurt each other badly . ’
26 ‘ We have been given another chance and it 's up to us to take it . ’
27 Now , as Britain 's No 1 feed company — it 's up to us to maximise our geographical and premier status in the years ahead .
28 But now it 's up to us to lift ourselves out of it . ’
29 And it 's up to us to negotiate what the potential amount they want .
30 It 's up to us to inform them .
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