Example sentences of "'s [prep] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's a book that just last 's for life in it ?
2 I think they 're being irresponsible , I think we 're being responsible , and I make no apology er for borrowing when it 's for investment in our own future , that 's what intelligent companies do , it 's what an intelligent government should do .
3 I mean it 's about sort of you know in it 's about increasing the erm where we are within our own particular sphere and it 's far too much I mean people it 's interesting that I mean for the , it seems to me an and once again correction but it seems to me the last five years the empowerment thing was really strong and now managers are moving away from it and saying it 's jargon as a means of diluting it .
4 Twice a month 's about right for me .
5 ‘ That 's about right for you , is n't it ?
6 On her behalf it was said she 'd won 100 's of prizes for her livestock .
7 You 're welcome to search this place if that 's of interest to you , but please , I must beg you not to let the press get a whiff of my name .
8 It 's like bells in my ears .
9 ‘ It 's like Bedlam in our kitchen sometimes , ’ she added proudly .
10 Gav 's under pressure from his missus to be home earlier while Paul 's wife is about to walk out .
11 Gav 's under pressure from his missus to be home earlier while Paul 's wife is about to walk out .
12 Gav 's under pressure from his missus to be home earlier while Paul 's wife is about to walk out .
13 Another eyewitness said : ‘ I was in my office when I saw a lot of women coming out of a hairdresser 's with towels over their heads .
14 This is unspoilt Greece at its best , and it 's within range of our dinghies sailing from Nidri .
15 He 's in favour of it , perhaps even likes it , and approves of the Third World rather as some of the English also evince my approval , Malcolm Lowry and Graham Greene among them .
16 ‘ He 's in support of us in our bid document and he 's been a good friend to us . ’
17 and this other force is the fallen angels , the demons , if they , they can have , oh this women used to say oh he 's with me , he , he 's in bed with me at night
18 And she 's sure she 's in love with him .
19 I 'd say she 's in love with him also .
20 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
21 ‘ You think he 's in love with her ? ’
22 ‘ He 's in love with her , you can see that , ’ said Mrs Durbeyfield to her husband .
23 ‘ He 's in love with me ! ’
24 He says he 's in love with me . ’
25 ‘ She wants to marry me off to you , ’ he said , ‘ and she 's in love with me ?
26 ‘ He 's in love with you , ’ said Betty .
27 She 's in love with you .
28 ‘ Eleanor 's in love with you , ’ Jessamy reminded him impatiently .
29 PLAYER : the old man thinks he 's in love with his daughter .
30 PLAYER : No , no , no — he has n't got a daughter — the old man thinks he 's in love with his daughter .
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