Example sentences of "'s [v-ing] [pers pn] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When it 's raining you do n't have to worry so much .
2 Anyway , we 've finished all we can eat of this Cambozola , and the wine bottle is only good for sticking candles in , and we are still sitting on the carpet lit by one small lamp somewhere over in the corner , and she keeps filling in the pauses by staring into my eyes as if she 's checking I do n't wear false eyelashes , and I start to think it 's about time I got up off the floor .
3 ‘ I would n't compare Brian with God , ’ said Constance , ‘ but when he 's sulking you do n't half know it . ’
4 Cos that 's the only trouble is with black it never looks er ca you know unless it 's shining it do n't look nice does it ?
5 Well that 's a good idea , the thing , you see the thing is she says oh , we , I read anything , you know , buy anything , well I said well suppose you 've already got it , you know , it 's erm , and also we offered him some , some author 's names so he did n't like this , and he did n't want that , you see , so , erm , but , in one hand he 's saying buy me anything and the other hand he 's saying I do n't like this and I do n't like that
6 She 's saying I do n't think we want to go out .
7 And , we also face with a a certain stance there where if people blame , er , turn round to us and say there 's a draft here because er , the air conditioning 's working they do n't wan na sit in a draft .
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