Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 But if that 's the case , he 's obviously so accurate that maybe he should try hitting them close for a change !
2 Now , it 's obviously very good that a position is going to be replaced by a technician , for which a , which at the moment is elsewhere in the department .
3 It 's obviously very important that some stories are big enough to break if you 're lucky in the national media but more important each of the clubs and sailing schools can get it in their local events because they 're only too happy to take er provide the stories .
4 ‘ It 's much more hilly that I expected , much more severe , more than anyone said to me , ’ said Montgomerie .
5 She may have misheard the word as dictated , but it 's much more likely that as she started writing the first syllable , she almost automatically shifted the word across to one she knows ( and can spell ! coffee causes problems , usually ) .
6 ‘ It 's much more likely that she was a whore , ’ said the doctor , having washed his hands and arms , and rewrapped the body .
7 Alright , so although the institutional setting can have a direct effect alright , it 's much more likely that the effect will be indirect , right , through , through high prices , and in order for , farmers to er , reap the benefits of support , they need to maximize their yields , and that 's what farmers have done in this country .
8 Then again , it 's much more likely that I just do n't know how to use these things properly .
9 I think it 's much more important that we instruct the computer and not have the computer instruct us .
10 The nut is the main offender ; it 's so ludicrously high that you can easily slide a matchstick between the top string and the first fret .
11 It 's so very important that you 're honest with me , ’ urged Morse .
12 We do n't ever REVIEW beta test software — there 's just too much that can change between us seeing early versions and the code being finalised , and that means that what you see reviewed might not be what you will buy .
13 It 's very new to me ; it 's just too bad that they still have n't come up with the perfect guitar synth .
14 It 's just so unbelievable that she 's so poorly .
15 Well it 's just so incredible that this oil has never been I mean nobody focused on it did they ?
16 Oh I 've not wo , I get that from , oh it 's ever so good that is !
17 said ooh , she 's ever so excited she 's ever so excited that she 's back round , you know , that way as well .
18 He 's ever so spoilt that 's the trouble
19 Although the government has tightened up rules at the slaughterhouse , and taken action to stop infected meat reaching our food , it 's still JUST possible that diseased meat scraps might reach some meat products .
20 So if all this poses a threat to a 19-year-old getting a job , something is wrong as it 's still quite obvious that employers prefer people with no ties .
21 Erm , and I think it 's also perhaps right that we should note with pleasure the comment made in the third paragraph on the second page , about the work of Mr and Mr , er , I think that does rec er , give some recognition to erm , er the role that the archivist 's are playing in the wider community , and I think that is extremely er commendable and I think we should send our congratulations from this committee er , and our support for what they 're doing .
22 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
23 It 's also very rare that you finish standing on the same position from which you made the cast .
24 I think it 's also very relevant that we look at the real threats that are facing the N H S.
25 Okay so erm I think it 's also very important that we look at gestures .
26 It 's far more likely that you will get the spells you are looking for if you select them from say the Amethyst or the Jade college rather than choosing one from Jade , one from Bright , one from Amethyst etc .
27 Er so I think it 's really vitally important that we do know , have basic what our money is going to be spent on this this year , not the year .
28 Erm I think it 's really very sad that i it 's just the society we live in has put these kind of pressures on marriages and you know we 're all human and we can all be tempted to look at other people and be unfaithful but in those times of er you know temptation you just I well I I 've found that that 's where my faith comes in you 're sort of helped through those times .
29 When we come to revise , it 's really more appropriate that we read through these
30 I mean it it 's really quite fascinating that is n't it ?
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