Example sentences of "'s [adv] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's mostly for the kids or if , w when we 're travelling in the car anywhere .
2 ‘ It 's only for the players and the managers .
3 Erm and I know one that I do know now said it 's Certainly , she said , it 's only for the money I do it , nothing else .
4 " It 's only for the voyage , remember , " said the captain smoothly .
5 Next thing it 's only for the year .
6 Just knowing the size and the weight is n't , you might , that 's alright , that 's only for the price what 's in it is vital because if I asked the sales people from their top ten major customers what do you carry for them ?
7 You mentioned the Saudi deal has been announced , but so far it 's only for the Tornado and not the full go ahead to .
8 That 's only for the index if you want to get one out
9 It 's only for the people who get desperate and get stuck .
10 That 's only for the banks though is n't it ?
11 With an eye on the trend for people with time on their hands to take up neglected crafts such as paint finishing and upholstery , Parissien notes , ‘ There are lots of courses on 101 things to do with furnishing fabrics , but there 's less for the layperson about structure , about actually saving your house . ’
12 It 's obviously for the benefit of Saddam , and I wonder what you think that benefit might be ?
13 That 's enough for the I R A to have made him a target , five employees of the firm have now been killed since nineteen eighty five .
14 Hilary 's away for the day — gone on a long hike to tune himself up , as he put it .
15 I 've no intention of staying over there longer than I have to , and Sorrel 's away for the weekend herself . ’
16 " I 'm going to tea with Mrs. Mott , " she added , and then glancing at Jenny , " Mr. Matthew 's away for the week-end , so do n't fret about seeing him . "
17 It 's generally for the good of himself , and I wonder what 's at the back of his mind with the release of Paul , Michael and Simon .
18 So , if you feel strongly about male babysitters , speak out — while making it clear that it 's not personal , it 's just for the sake of your peace of mind .
19 It 's just for the humour of it , I think .
20 There are some computers we can use but there 's one special one we ca n't use — it 's just for the staff . ’
21 Hobson 's choices do n't come much more painful , but as ever Eitzel rewards the faithful , rifling some quite astounding new American Music Club material for an acoustic show that was often too painful to bear — and that 's just for the audience .
22 I see arts students ' timetables , an English student comes in for two hours a week , and he 's home for the rest of the time .
23 Gerard and his mother went to London , renting a house in Hampstead Garden Suburb which was to be Hoffnung 's home for the rest of his life .
24 It 's purely for the pleasure of your company .
25 It 's now for the councillors to decide .
26 Afternoon Special this afternoon we have a couple of interesting guests to meet George Hamilton the fourth will be with us he 's involved in the tribute to Patsie Clyne Show and Esther Rantzen who 's here for the Child Line campaign .
27 ‘ Everyone at EIA is so committed — certainly , no one 's here for the money
28 It 's there for the taking by anyone with a suitable decoder .
29 Lids , should n't need lids , makes it , cos it 's actually for the stages .
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