Example sentences of "'s [adj] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 He 's er he 's saying that er the shifting of the ground 's political but I 'd to remember him that er , th it 's the council that 's doing their job , he 's not doing his job .
2 ‘ No way am I worth that sort of money , and it 's annoying because I 've started getting begging letters .
3 That 's right and I 've carried the see shield on operations before .
4 ‘ It 's odd that I have n't heard of you .
5 ’ People might think it 's odd that I have this rich , famous dad and still end up sleeping rough .
6 you know er , it 's funny since I 've been on a diet er , it is , I must be getting , now where
7 ‘ You know , it 's funny but I 've never really been asked this question before .
8 but I have actually worked for organizations where they do see it in terms of those centimetre arr erm measurements and that 's a you know I mean it 's funny when I 've been giving talks on communications erm one of the things I say to people is erm where your stuff appears is crucial do n't worry about one and page three .
9 You know it 's funny when I 've been up when I 've been on a diet , I mean smelling , smoked out , smoked out on the house
10 got all teams in it mine 's different cos I 've got intimate football
11 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
12 I know it 's easy but I had to think of something to finish the week off with .
13 Mine 's locked and I 've got a chain on as well .
14 No , cos it 's quick if I have to keep your attention
15 ‘ Because it 's likely that I have a job for you , if you 're interested .
16 It 's unfortunate that I 've got no talent for painting or singing .
17 ‘ Promises ’ song was music first ( that 's hard and I 've only done it once since ) and ‘ Sincerely Yours ’ was Rab Handleigh 's ‘ tribute ’ to Barry Manilow which he performed with perfect schmaltz suavity .
18 Mine 's terrible because I 've got a low voice , a deep voice anyway .
19 I think it 's great and I have every sympathy for you copping all the flak from the readers who do n't like it .
20 It 's stupid because I 've never really ventured Brittany , so
21 Brain of Britain — I 'm struggling with todays Sun crossword — I know it 's embarrassing but I 've only got a degree in Chemistry and we all know that chemistry students are amongst other things the partners of defenders with no brains , i.e Weatherall and Newsome .
22 It 's late and I have an early start . ’
23 ‘ I think he 's pleased because I 've justified his faith in me .
24 After the hearing the woman said : ‘ It 's ridiculous that I have been brought to court .
25 But even that 's difficult 'cos I have to travel to get there after work .
26 It 's difficult because I 've worked around the world , in the Middle East , image-wise it 's fascinating .
27 Yeah it 's clean and I 've got dirty fingers .
28 Sometimes I think it 's pathetic that I have to deal with this simplification of who I am , and then other times I think , that 's it , that 's what I am , what I read , that 's who I am . ’
29 Do you think it 's alright if I have a bit ?
30 ‘ It 's true that I had the opportunity to be alone in the office , and we both know that I was angry and said a lot of things in the heat of the moment … but would I really be this vindictive ? ’
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