Example sentences of "'s [adv] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 there 's only one thought for th sa for them and that 's for theirse
2 Anyway , it 's obviously something to do with your real family , and maybe your brother will have one the same . ’
3 It 's like all plotted and you have like fifteen minutes with them , then half an hour and then it 's awful , it 's , it 's so you feel like you 're a
4 But that 's exactly what happens to thousands of black people .
5 Well , we all know that cos that 's exactly what happens to 'em .
6 That 's exactly what happened to me , three years ago , when the largest company in the United Kingdom , British Petroleum , took me on to run a new venture .
7 Well , that 's exactly what happened to Woodrow Wilson .
8 After it 's over we cut to another scene and there 's somebody who might be the little guy again and he 's still strapped to a chair but this time it 's a tall hospital chair with wheels and a little fold-away table in front of him and the straps holding his torso would be easy to undo but his hands are limp .
9 There 's just her battling against it !
10 No it 's just they look like jeans .
11 Well it 's just , it 's just something to bear in mind .
12 Well it 's that 's just nothing to do with the year
13 ‘ No , no , ’ I reply , ‘ It 's just what came to hand . ’
14 That 's just what happened to Lincoln Turbine Service , when at the eleventh hour Energy Minister Tim Eggar had to cancel his trip to Aberdeen in order to be in London for the publication of the Trade & Industry Select Committee 's Energy Report .
15 And that 's just what happened to me .
16 ‘ Oh , that 's just what comes of being a prisoner too long : you make a fool of yourself like that . ’
17 and when ever anybody talks of fish it 's just me sitting at the table from dinner time and then she
18 There was a very nice room in Wessex , I do n't know whether it 's still there , but it was the main room , where we recorded We Will Rock You and that was all acoustic stuff — it 's just us stamping on boards and clapping over and over again . ’
19 It 's just you believe in baptizing
20 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
21 ‘ It 's just I get to wondering … ’
22 but it 's just it seems to me like , like the boys must be intimidated by girls who actually
23 ‘ It 's not what happens to you , but how you cope with it , that 's important , ’ she told herself , as she tackled the cobwebs in the lofty rooms .
24 I now know that it 's not what happens in the good times that counts , but how you survive the bad — disastrous holidays , financial crises , illnesses .
25 So , she 's not one to play on it for not going to school though , so
26 ‘ It 's not anything to do with biology or psychology or any science or the old philosophies — it 's something so deep that even the most delicately poised approach almost inevitably occludes it .
27 It 's individuals , it 's not anything to do with Glasgow .
28 ‘ This haste , ’ said Paul , ‘ it 's not anything to do with Zeinab , is it ? ’
29 There 's not anything waiting for you to get home to .
30 ‘ It 's not mine to share with you . ’
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