Example sentences of "'s [pron] i do not " in BNC.

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1 No my my own view and it 's I I do n't know if I 've come to a view on the relative weight of those sorts of considerations er I I 'd need to think about it some more before I could come to a view on that .
2 Well it 's , I mean , you know , it 's I I do n't think I could live with the conscience , if I was selling I would say well look
3 if you 're gon na do that , I 'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if , if it 's the problem I think it is it 'll cure it , if it 's which I do n't think it is , it 's the other one that 's incurable
4 But it 's one I do n't intend to waste . ’
5 Miss B : ( Thinks , ‘ Inquisitive old so-and-so ’ — but says with charming smile : ) Of course I do n't mind , but that 's something I do n't discuss .
6 ‘ Sometimes I know he wants me to do something and usually it 's something I do n't particularly want to do .
7 That 's something I do n't often get ! ’
8 ‘ There 's something I do n't understand .
9 It 's something I do n't remember . ’
10 That 's something I do n't sa , not so matter that I could have told him !
11 I sha n't take it if it 's something I do n't like you know even if they give it free .
12 That 's something I do n't eat .
13 ‘ That 's what I do n't understand .
14 That 's what I do n't understand .
15 ‘ That 's what I do n't understand ! ’
16 That 's what I do n't know . ’
17 That 's what I do n't like .
18 If if they 're doing the business on they could be pulling off , that 's what I do n't like cos the airport 's are too so close together , like it 's too you know too er Right , shall we revert , I think more sensible to talk about this in the beginning of February yeah ?
19 That 's what I do n't understand because the message is going to the brain to do it and yet I try and I ca n't .
20 That 's what I do n't get .
21 That 's what I do n't like with Chinese , erm , everything 's so complicated .
22 Your , your mind is sort of like working overtime all the time in n it , thinking Christ what else have I got to get , is there anything I 've forgotten , that 's what I do n't like .
23 It 's just mm yeah it is and that 's what I do n't like .
24 that 's what I do n't like about it
25 yeah that 's what I do n't want
26 that 's what I do n't want for it to er
27 I just do n't like the greyness , that 's what I do n't like .
28 That 's what I do n't like .
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