Example sentences of "'s [verb] quite a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's becoming quite an art gallery .
2 That 's considered quite an honour .
3 A Black Hairstreak has been spotted , and it 's causing quite a flutter .
4 ‘ She 's done quite a lot of good for this country , ’ Bill says .
5 I understand he 's done quite a lot of his work in Venice . ’
6 Skipper , Ian Smith , who 's made quite an impact with Scotland in the 5 nations this season , is back to lead the team .
7 Hnatiuk at the bank said he 's always had quite a good balance in his savings account — for a kid — and he 's deposited quite a bit of money recently .
8 ‘ Anyway , ’ he said , ‘ she 's become quite a favourite with the company . ’
9 Now Henry lives near Henley , and while he would sneer at the Hooray Henries crowding that town 's regatta ( in true , no-frills , Aussie style ) , he 's become quite a showman himself .
10 That 's sending quite a signal is n't it .
11 As well as the speed , he 's getting quite a taste for the adulation from friends and relatives .
12 Larry Ellison 's having quite a month : not only did Oracle finally get version 7 out , his house got a to-die-for spread in Architectural Digest .
13 ‘ Reagan 's talking quite a lot about human rights , which probably suits Gorbachev . ’
14 ‘ It 's snowing quite a lot , ’ said one of them , uncertainly .
15 I du n no , my step , my dad 's earning quite a lot though
16 That 's created quite a problem because it 's more difficult to teach the lads in the teams how to deal with things like that .
17 ‘ He 's changed quite a bit in these last few weeks . ’
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