Example sentences of "'s [verb] [conj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's to know that in advance because I think they then have a practical contribution to make .
2 Your mind might fight against it , but your body is liquefying , melting , yearning , ’ he growled throatily , ‘ and it 's very tempting to take what 's offered and to hell with tomorrow . ’
3 So whereas the policy committee were allowing us three point five million grant maximum , on top of the er base budget , now course that 's reduced because with cash limited to the total on to the base plus , so getting a lot less than with the group so they might say increase to about two and a half million rather than the figure we had earlier .
4 I think that one 's saying that in order to resolve one problem , their may be unforeseen and , one hopes temporary , minor problems which emerge in consequence of attempting to resolve the first problem .
5 In the West Mercia force , which polices Hereford and Worcester , it 's estimated that on average , one officer is attacked every day .
6 ‘ You never know with him whether he 's coddin' or in earnest .
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