Example sentences of "were being [vb pp] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Work was in progress everywhere , cellars were being cleared and pumped free of foul water , men salvaging goods and destroying perishable stores , windows being boarded up , and , the most urgent job of all , lashings of disinfectant being applied in all manner of places .
2 Our information sources were being developed and made more rapidly available by access to a central computer in line with police methods .
3 The effect on others in the home highlighted , for Garfinkel , the taken-for-granted rules of family life , which became apparent when they were broken rather than when they were being achieved and observed .
4 In Russia , too , the abstract possibilities of Cubism were being explored and developed .
5 Our microscopes had been improved , and the deadly killers were being isolated and identified as never before .
6 He saw you coming and begged for mercy , not realising that his words were being transmitted and repeated by Michael Banks on stage .
7 Their attempts to abandon many of the ideas and ideals of classical democratic theory were immediately challenged by other theorists ; while their celebrations of actually existing democracies founded on lukewarm politics and " a mainly passive electorate " were countered by the marked revival of popular activity and radical commitment which was already taking off in the late 1950s when these texts were being written and published .
8 Sinn Fein complained that their election workers were being harassed and delayed for up to half an hour at checkpoints .
9 While the Penge lines were being completed and opened , work was already in hand on the Mitcham route .
10 Could it be that the calories supplied by a diet high in natural fibre were being digested and utilized in a different way by the human body ?
11 It concluded more patients were being treated and waiting times had been cut .
12 As he compared the ‘ full rich life ’ of the old back-street cultures which he thought were being pitted and undermined by the ‘ canned entertainment and packeted provision ’ of the new pulp culture , Hoggart made no effort to disguise his contempt for this barren cultural wasteland — the pop songs , the crooners and the heart-throbs , the hairstyles and clothing , the espresso bars and milk bars which young people frequented , together with the ‘ sex in shiny packets ’ literature and the cacophony of juke-boxes and ‘ nickelodeons ’ .
13 The only occasion that the present writer met him was as a member of a deputation to appeal for troop protection for Protestant homes that were being stoned and shot into by the Provisional IRA .
14 The publication of the tape is likely to cause further concern to Diana who has already told friends that she believed that at least some of her private calls were being monitored and recorded .
15 The voice sounded scattered as if the sound-particles were being separated and deflected by raindrops .
16 Did the pupils know that they were being studied , did the teachers know that they were being studied and did the teachers know that they were taking part in an educational experiment ?
17 It was a sweltering hot afternoon : acres of pale , pimply flesh were being uncovered and exposed to the sun .
18 The use and refinement of existing powers The legal and operational precedents set by the strike were being followed and expanded by the police almost as soon as the dispute was over .
19 From the outset it was a battlefield , people were being dismissed and demoted quite contrary to the terms of their contracts .
20 Planes were being lost and replaced only when the aircraft production was stepped up .
21 So , as part of the briefing process , Orpington employees and their families were taken on day trip coach tours to Stevenage so that they could visit the site where the new offices were being built and look at the types of houses and facilities available in the area .
22 We saw in Chapter 7 how the enemy is ‘ homosexualized ’ , with the result that , even while homosexuals were being imprisoned and murdered by the Nazis , it could be said that to eliminate homosexuality would be to get rid of fascism .
23 Two of the men were being held and bound ; their wrists and ankles taped together .
24 For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions .
25 In general , the measures were to attempt to create an environment for cycling which was safe , direct , comfortable and in which cyclists felt that they were being encouraged and provided for .
26 At a time when many authentic works were being rediscovered and marketed , Joni conceived and painted a large number of fragmentary works .
27 At a time when cities were being reformed and regulated as never before it was inevitable that the movies would be regulated .
28 He said there was a person , famous throughout the land , whose job it was to visit the halls where films were being shown and to describe the films to the local people .
29 Legislators were clearly concerned for those who had entered marriages where they were being harmed and mistreated by their partners .
30 ( 26 September 1777 ) In his first letter to his father Mozart referred to Colloredo as ‘ an idiot ’ , a remark which was not looked upon favourably by Leopold since he was constantly concerned that his letters were being opened and read before he received them .
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