Example sentences of "were in [noun] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His owners were in difficulties and he was bankrupted .
2 We do not know what interest rates were in Israel but we do know that the annual rate of interest in the ancient Near East was very high : in Babylonia and Assyria it was 20–25 per cent for money loans , 33 per cent for loans in kind and frequently more ; in Upper Mesopotamia and Elam rates were higher , reaching 50 per cent for money loans ; in the Ptolemaic period in Egypt rates seem to have been around 12 per cent .
3 It might be something of a race , then , once the Scots were in sight and it was perceived that they were going to cross , with ten thousand horsemen to get over .
4 Our clothes were in layers and we had no problem deciding each what to wear ; it was the same outfit .
5 They had n't known we were in NZ and we had n't known they were .
6 No we were in bed but we , we , we go into a right about eight o'clock and we watched a video
7 I told him they were in bed and I dashed up the stairs , two at a time , to fetch them .
8 We were in love and we thought people who were in love got married .
9 But the barges were in darkness and they could not see us .
10 Buildings were in flames and I could hear the screams and moans of the trapped and injured .
11 I can do all those nice things in Jan , Feb and March , and not to mention when I get home tearing my garden to pieces , that 's gone to pot , which is as well , because it does n't make it , see , see one thing I find about coming down here , I see the really smarter shops than I would unless I were in Norwich and it makes me realise still after this , I do n't crave for the things in shops .
12 They were in power but I mean who 's to say that the pe there 's not gon na be a civil war and they 'll be thrown out of power .
13 Councillor is on record , in fact not long after taking his job , that he does n't care much for state education , he prefers , grant maintained schools , the assisted places scheme , which I 'm pleased to say , Lord Mayor , we do n't operate in this district and neither did the Tories when they were in power and I applaud them for that
14 The few people I treasure were in touch and I told them exactly what was wrong .
15 today , in school we had a two members of a family planning association and er , we were in group and we actually had the guys in our class , they 're seventeen , maybe eighteen sitting laughing and sniggering between themselves !
16 Last week a party of Dublin deaf were in Belfast and I had the opportunity to put my new skills into use .
17 When Val came to me , in October 1989 , she had arthritis in both her hands and feet , her shoulders and neck were in pain and she also suffered from chronic sciatica .
18 Already the tanks ahead were in action and it seemed as though they had made contact with , and destroyed the majority of the enemy flank guard .
19 No warning had been given by the soldiers because they believed their comrades ' lives were in danger and they were under fire from the hijacked car , the hearing was told .
20 No warning was given by the soldiers because they believed their comrades ' lives were in danger and they were under fire from the hijacked car , the hearing had been told .
21 My muscles were in trauma and I was trying to get away .
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