Example sentences of "were say to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her replacement had proved a sad disappointment to the French soldiery , besides which the management and composer alike were said to be dissatisfied with the work in its present form .
2 The Ardakkeans were said to be superhumanly strong and invulnerable to most life-threats .
3 The two most seriously hurt , Bronwen Vickers , 33 , who had a leg amputated , and Stephen Clague , 21 , who suffered arm , elbow and hip injuries , were said to be stable .
4 Some stolen cattle were transported from the Northern Band to supply the beef market at Kandy ; the Moors of Akurana , a few kilometres north of Kandy , were said to be involved in this trade .
5 Its teeth were said to be venomous , its flesh poisonous , its hair lethal ( causing suffocation if a few were accidentally swallowed ) , and its breath infectious , destroying human lungs and causing consumption .
6 At one moment six Emperors were said to be alive , each as impotent as the others .
7 Their Korean hosts were said to be upset at the way they barely acknowledged each other in public except for a few surly and petulant exchanges .
8 It began as a protest against the alleged peremptory nature of the decision by the NCB to close some working coal mines which were said to be uneconomic .
9 The people were said to be lazy , their manner of living rustic .
10 In an age when décolletage mattered , her shoulders were said to be superb .
11 Up to a dozen Tory MPs , alarmed at the threat of the loss of concessionary fares and line closures in the wake of privatisation , were said to be ready to defy the Government .
12 Popular activists were said to be resentful of the army takeover , expressing fears that the achievement of multiparty democracy might be further delayed .
13 Compared to glassfibre boats they were said to be heavy , slow , unmanoeuvrable and , because they bent rather than broke , dangerous .
14 Followers put the decline down to worries about prospects for the drinks company 's French associate , LVMH , amid reports of sharply lower luxury good sales in Tokyo.Similar pressures were said to be responsible for the decline in Rothmans ‘ B , ’ off 10 at £10.99 .
15 For example , the Variscan orogenic cycles started in the Paleozoic era were said to be responsible for the mountain chains of North America , Europe and Africa .
16 Teenagers under the influence of the locally produced khat narcotic plant were said to be responsible for much of the artillery fire .
17 Tamil separatists belonging to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE ) were said to be responsible for the massacre on Oct. 15 of more than 140 people , mostly Moslems , in pre-dawn raids on three villages in the northern district of Polunnaruwa .
18 The Nightriders collected cash for Children in Need from passengers who were said to be full of Christmas spirit .
19 The Nigerian federal authorities were said to be concerned that the rioting could lead to polarization of the country 's Christian and Moslem areas , threatening plans to install an elected civilian government in 1992 .
20 Some delegates were said to be angry at Kuwait 's intransigence , including officials from Nigeria who said their country needed oil revenues as much as any other because of difficult economic problems .
21 They were said to be fearless swordsmen and able to shoot a man between the eyes at a hundred paces .
22 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
23 After successive allegations by Sierra Leone in late March and early April that Taylor 's forces had raided Sierra Leonean villages , killing numbers of civilians , Sierra Leonean forces were reported by mid-April to be operating inside Liberian territory held by the NPFL , while NPFL troops with heavy weapons were said to be advancing into Sierra Leone , both sides claiming successes .
24 In November 1940 , for example , ‘ personal economic worries ’ in the light of the coming second war winter were said to be widespread and to have given rise to ‘ discontented and sceptical thoughts ’ .
25 Immediately after the first wave of evacuation had taken place there was a chorus of outrage from reception areas about some of the evacuees — evidently those from the poorest homes in inner-city areas — who were said to be filthy , verminous , incontinent , ungrateful and thoroughly ill-mannered .
26 Before it left , the UN mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .
27 Listening to her and Ferdinando discussing the latest onslaught — Piedmontese troops were said to be sweeping south throughout the summer — Wilson could hardly believe the enthusiasm displayed .
28 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
29 Even parts of the population known not to be well disposed towards the regime , such as workers in the northern districts of Berlin , were said to be horrified at the attack .
30 Local doctors were said to be sceptical because the water suppliers dosed the water with a large quantity of lime to prevent soluble forms of aluminium being formed as had happened at Camelford .
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