Example sentences of "were [prep] [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The polytechnics of the new binary policy were to be a key group of partners for the CNAA from roughly the beginning of the 1970s : the Assistant Director of Hatfield Polytechnic spoke of the polytechnics and the CNAA as ‘ inseparable …
2 More junior staff came , who were to be a great help to us .
3 If there were to be a Labour Government or the unlikely event of a Liberal Democrat Government , it would be open house for local authorities to spend and spend , just like Viv Nicholson .
4 They were to be a new form of secondary school — ‘ beacons of excellence ’ — funded mainly by industry , and would concentrate on science and technology .
5 Haplochromis were to be a new challenge .
6 Then there was Tiare , named after Polynesia 's whitest flower , who had inherited a secret hoard of paintings from her artist father , paintings that were to be a turning point in the history of the island .
7 Since older miners were usually no longer fit to work at the coal-face and did less well-remunerated jobs on or near the surface , this meant that in old age — if they reached it — their pensions were to be a calculated on the basis of their more poorly paid years at work !
8 He had given some of the more frank and open-minded advice on the future of the industry before nationalisation , and his critical and constructive approach and blend of engineering and commercial experience were to be a valuable input to Central Authority discussions .
9 The Japanese invasion brought an end to this initial stage of Holy Cross ; the war years were to be a severe testing of the training given .
10 The grouse were to be a special feature on the menu .
11 Worse still , she had apparently issued instructions before her appearance ‘ that there were to be no topical references , no jokes and minimal body contact ’ .
12 There were to be no mechanical or electrical improvements .
13 Me : ‘ I told you there were to be no bug-eyed monsters in Doctor Who . ’
14 There were to be no male heirs for Thomas — indeed , he was to father only one robust child who would survive into old age , as we shall see shortly .
15 ‘ I thought I said there were to be no unaccompanied flights ? ’ she snaps .
16 Noel explains why the number is so small : ‘ When we took on this responsibility it was made clear that there were to be no extra funds specifically for underwater archaeology .
17 The loans were to be administered by a specially formed company under contract to the government ; but the government has been unable to secure the co-operation of the major banks , who were to be the chief participants in the new company , and the loans scheme is in disarray .
18 Top talks as if it rested with me to settle who were to be the Unionist candidates for the constituencies .
19 If £20 were to be the standard fee , which I support , then OAPs and the unemployed could get a £10 discount .
20 He points out that petrol is now very cheap : if , in real terms , it were to be the equivalent price of a decade ago it would cost over £4 a gallon .
21 There was a substantial issue of fact as to whether or not the elderly parents , who were to be the principal debtors , had received the letters written by the creditor advising them to take independent legal advice .
22 For the better part of the next forty years they were to be the decisive restraints .
23 ’ The black majority were to be the prime targets ’
24 The Symposium was at pains to stress that it was the black majority who were to be the prime targets of any campaign .
25 In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office .
26 Strikes by Doherty ‘ s National Union of Operative Spinners , and in the coal fields , greatly alarmed Peel , at the Home Office ; and , in what were to be the dying days of the Tory administration , he looked unsuccessfully for a legal answer to what he called ‘ the constitution and acts of a confederacy calculated in its immediate effects to disturb the peace of the manufacturing districts , and capable , if allowed to gain strength and consistency , of being converted at once into an open resistance to the law . ’
27 These were to be the major elements of the action project .
28 Realism had flourished with Defoe , Richardson , Fielding and Smollett , and these were to be the presiding deities of the new British novel .
29 The first two years of education were to be the academic years , and there were proposals for these two years also to be seen as discrete and eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education .
30 Beneath them were to be the fascist Legions , the militant branch of the League who were divided into active and passive sections of members .
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