Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They were catching up with an interrupted past , not forestalling a proletarian future .
2 They were building up to a strong finish with ‘ The Skater 's Waltz ’ and Noreen knew her number would go up next .
3 I was too tired , only vaguely conscious that we had come off the canal bank and were angling down across a steep slope of stony ground to the rice-green flatness of the valley floor .
4 While the lucky 30 guinea pigs in Bruno 's experiment were sampling his alternative dishes , the other pupils were tucking in to a typical school dinner of beefburger in a bap , sautee potatoes and jacket potato in cheese , or open sandwiches .
5 In LONDON dealers were gearing up for a rush of prospective buyers .
6 The girls were walking back under a glorious moon to the holiday complex of Monte Samana , where they were sharing Rosie 's parents ' villa .
7 Then they were gliding in to a crown of diamond lights and it was time .
8 ‘ When we were looking around for a royal to open the centre , we were promised as soon as someone was available for a royal visit , we would get one , ’ said Peter Carberry , chairman of Darlington Mind .
9 All three men were looking up at a newly stained wallaba beam which supported the terrace room .
10 For a moment she was too surprised to speak and simply stared as if she were looking down on an apparition .
11 Another few totters and another series of hasty hoppity-skips , and they were looking down at a ramshackle wooden building which sat in a hollow among yellow bushes of gorse .
12 We were looking down into a little valley like a green cup in the hills .
13 They were looking down into a long dark cellar , lit by a brazier at one end .
14 ‘ We were living out of a hat dramatising dirty jokes .
15 Two friends from the paras — one an ex-member of the Irish Rangers , the other a deserter from the French Foreign Legion — were saving up for a trip to South Africa where they intended to join the South African Army .
16 Yeah , I thought you were saving up for a new game for your Sega system ?
17 Meanwhile back at Tenbury , the holly and mistletoe were fetching up to a pound for a pound in weight .
18 They left things to us and we were rushing along on a supercharged train with no brakes . ’
19 On the main highway leading to Charleroi and Brussels the Dragoons were clattering along at a fine pace , almost as if this was an exercise in Provence instead of war .
20 Flames were pouring out of a well .
21 His passengers were filing out in a dazed little procession .
22 Towards the end of 1989 film and TV scripts were flooding in at an unprecedented rate , spurred on by her successful debut live tour , the incredible success , even by her standards , of her second album ‘ Enjoy Yourself ’ which entered the British LP charts at number one on its first day of release in October that year and the much-anticipated release of The Delinquents .
23 Sunk fathoms deep in thought once more , Luce took no heed of her surroundings , and only when they were pulling in to a private landing-stage overhung by green willows did she surface and realise the significance of the overnight bag .
24 Whilst the pathfinders had the original control of H2S , developments were going on with a fair measure of practical input from Bennett and his friends at TRE , and eventually a superior set was devised and known as the 3cm HS .
25 Darling — and I 'm sure this wo n't be inopportune — do n't worry about me , because I 'm really quite a ‘ happy warrior ’ ; it was the thought of leaving you , and the fact that you were going back to a hard grind , which prompted my outpourings .
26 I think the army thought they were going in to a situation where they could they could help , they saw themselves if you like as the referees er as a neutral party in between two sides .
27 They were going out for a west end meal in the evening .
28 Good companies as well as bad were going under as a result of falling markets and bad debts , said BCC policy director Richard Brown .
29 The men paused in their tracks , locating the sound , and within seconds we were hurrying back to a place that we 'd passed where the sheer slope of the mountain was broken only by the deep rift of a water-course .
30 The show continued until Christmas by which time Mr Smith and Doris realized they were facing up to a new way of life that would challenge them even more than the lean and difficult times of the thirties .
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