Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Five years ago there were over two hundred kidnappings there — the pickings were rich along the Costa Smeralda for those who were sticking it out on the hills above — but last year there were only three , and one of those a complete failure .
2 Well he said tha , they were cooking it on like on site on the caravan site , he said an , an , and you know , they got out of this caravan and then
3 Er I thought you did well in erm giving yourself credibility by talking about the shares , oh yes you can have two hundred and fifty pounds per month in the shares and they 've done well and I said oh yes they have done well , and I felt good that you were praising me up for being such a clever chap , and so I thought that was all , all jolly good stuff .
4 The only dangerous time we had was on the way back when we were trying to get away from the coast of Iceland and a whole series of fronts were driving us back into the coast .
5 They pulled me up off the floor with my hands up behind my back and they were walking me out of the chemist with my arms up and my head pushed down and one of them was kicking me in the back of my legs to get me over to the car .
6 He said clients keen to move into Britain have had deals ‘ in the pipeline ’ but were delaying them out of concern about a Labour government 's competition policies or in the hope of further interest rate cuts .
7 It was almost as if someone were keeping her away from trouble .
8 round the place and then we 'll see how it goes from there , with a view to letting you out , back into the world and er as soon as they 'd gone and they were escorting him back to his , his room , they do n't have cells they have erm , he turned to the warden who are called nurses , and said never wanted to have an operation , I like having sex with little girls , he said
9 Always out for a laugh , I mentioned that his volumes of ‘ free verse ’ were costing me up to $2. per copy , and he promised to send me his next book .
10 I was n't afraid of Elizabeth but I was frightened of her mother and I was glad the nuns were leading us away from the road where she lived .
11 Maybe they were holding him back in Beirut while the final details were worked out .
12 You were holding it up to the window . ’
13 We were sharing it out between four so we got we we always say a quarter I think I think it 's a good idea the way the Americans say a fourth cos you can it ties it up with the four shared out between four people .
14 And they were sending him home without her .
15 If I were sending you off without a decent breakfast you could say that , but as it is … ’
16 His companions at base camp were expecting him back by dusk at the latest .
17 We were expecting you down at the Man in the Moon .
18 They were very relaxed and Skip conveys the feeling that they were treating it more as a cruise than a race .
19 I do n't think it 's as simple as that because at the time that we were doing the budget , we were doing it really in September , and most of those other cate categories of work , apart from like auto-offs reports and things , were n't having an impact .
20 None has led me to that dangerous conclusion that we were doing it better over there than here .
21 She could see , as plain as the nose on her face , that here was a man of the self-centred , philandering , dangerous variety , the kind of man no girl in her right mind would risk getting involved with … so how come her hormones were letting her down in this maddening way ?
22 In the words of one user , ‘ they were giving them out as if they were going out of style ’ .
23 There had been no acquittal since they were taking him back to the prison .
24 This was my case , dusted down from Granny 's attic when they were taking me away from the farm .
25 ‘ They were taking us out for meals .
26 Most infants ( 92% ) excreting cotinine at three weeks were excreting it also at one year ; moreover , 61% of infants not excreting cotinine at three months were excreting it at one year .
27 It was fiat and broad , and a crowd of sweating men on the deck were poling it upstream amongst the bird-filled islets .
28 We telephoned from our mobile to theirs — probably at a combined speed of 100mph going away from each other — and it was indeed us who were hotfooting it away from the airport .
29 During the late 1920s and early 1930s when John Maynard Keynes ( 1883–1946 ) was working out a new economic system where government intervention would stabilise the negative effects of free enterprise — low investment , acute unemployment — individualist man and collectivist man were fighting it out for supremacy .
30 Those wicked dark eyes of his were lifting her up into another planet .
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