Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But these were some of the more welcome changes following the end of the Second World War , which were transforming life for people living in the countryside .
2 Fresh tests on milk samples released last night showed 70 per cent of 238 dairy farms analysed were producing milk with lead levels above the Department of Health 's recommended safety limit , although 72 farms were within the limit of less than 0.05 milligrams of lead per litre .
3 They were kneeling back to back , their buttocks touching , and each with one end of the double-headed dildo still embedded securely in her gaping twat .
4 Although anti-nuclear protests were gathering strength in Britain at this time , the Labour front-bench in Parliament was strengthened by the switch of the charismatic Aneurin Bevan from unilateral nuclear disarmament to the view that the British bomb would enhance national influence in any disarmament talks .
5 At this stage the media hounds were sniffing News on Sunday for signs of Loony or Hard Left activity .
6 By noon all the squadron 's reserve aircraft were in use , and the mechanics were sucking blood from cut fingers and grazed knuckles as they worked too fast on battered planes which had just creaked home with streaming canvas and smashed spars , or labouring engines , or cracked fuel lines , or crippled controls , or lopsided under-carriage .
7 In the coconut groves by the beach scores of men were building prahus from scratch , some over 150 feet long .
8 Such was the state of concern at the Midlands plants that conveners and local members of Parliament were demanding intervention at Government level .
9 The Algerian League for Defence of Human Rights ( LADDH ) was quoted on Nov. 7 as alleging that the security forces were using torture against detainees .
10 Just 20 years ago , half of us were eating bacon for breakfast before starting work in the morning .
11 Putting his left arm round Donald 's shoulder , he took advantage of his first relaxation from the spasm of pain , to raise the glass to his lips , push his head back and , as if he were administering medicine to Maisie , roll the fluid past the perfectly kept teeth .
12 If , let us suppose , you were driving south from Mâcon or Bourg-en-Bresse ( I would stay chez La Mere Blanc at Vonnas ) you could drive through La-Tour-du-Pin , Saint-Rambert d'Albon , Beaurepaire d'Isère , Beaumont-les-Valence , La Garde-Adhémar , St-Paul-Trois-Chateaux — the three castles which gave their name to the Tricastin district — then down to Suze-La-Rousse and the tiny village of Donzère and its great nearby dam which is as wondrous and absorbing a spectacle in its way as any of the great Roman glories of this province through which , they claim , Hannibal marched with his Carthaginians — and presumably his elephants — two thousand one hundred and seventy-seven years ago .
13 When I mentioned this profligacy to her one day as we were painting side by side , she dismissed me , saying , ‘ When we run out of money I 'll get us some more . ’
14 The next fifteen or so miles were easier , not so much because it was daylight but because , once past that towering headland , they were rowing west by north and the wind and tide were now behind them .
15 Up to 1988 life assurance companies were gaining ground on pension funds , with individual life assurance premiums doubling their share of the personal savings market to 1988 .
16 For instance , only 18 per cent of retailers , 22 per cent of caterers and 60 per cent of food manufacturers were keeping food at temperatures recommended by the Department of Health .
17 Already , however , reports of the atrocities in the Highlands were causing revulsion in London and when that month Cumberland was made a freeman of a City livery company it was suggested that the most appropriate would be the butchers ' , giving Cumberland his enduring nickname .
18 The agreements struck after the stoppage of the previous year had left many loose ends which were causing trouble among stevedores , carters and lightermen .
19 In 1983 , a total of 3,774 people were seeking work in Shrewsbury .
20 In half-a-dozen cases during 1989 , the court made it much harder for blacks , Hispanics and women who were seeking compensation for job discrimination .
21 Many urban homeless were seeking refuge in subway stations and bus depots .
22 The general secretary of the EPRLF , K. Padmanabha , was also reported to have left Sri Lanka , along with other key officials , and to have gone to India , where thousands of EPRLF supporters were seeking refuge in fear of persecution by the LTTE as it moved into areas vacated by Indian troops .
23 No train services were operating west of Swansea , West Glamorgan , and the main rail link between the South-West and London was again broken when the River Exe flooded at a bridge outside Exeter .
24 She did have it all bandaged up , she were she were cleaning toilet at bottom , and er , apparently there was a piece out of it and she did n't know , and she wiped round it , it sliced it , and it were bleeding like mad , well she came across to our 'ouse , and we were n't in , and then she went to Kevin 's and she had she had it , but it , now it 's just like a line now ,
25 Other things were going bump in Presley City 's final night .
26 The Poles hardly began to populate the mines of the Ruhr before 1890 though the Czech were moving south into Vienna .
27 ‘ The Red Brigade were holding Moro in Portuense , were n't they ? ’ she commented suddenly .
28 A record number of parents were getting aid through scholarships and more than 100 were being helped under the Government 's assisted places scheme .
29 ( It 's always spelt N O E , and answer has an E. ) One does have this feeling that people were getting wind of Mr Edward Heath walking down the street , and were going out the back doors of the house .
30 This will act as a yardstick by which industry and local authorities could check they were getting value for money , he said .
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