Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So many players seemed to have nothing to do with the nations they were representing that asking them to picture their country would have been difficult enough , let alone vow anything to it .
2 She nursed his ailments too , and with a needle from a certain yucca picked out the chigoes from his feet , neatly , so as not to burst the sac in which the nits were hatching and release them into his flesh : the insects between his pink and white toes were just like a shrimp 's roe .
3 By introducing a per capita tax , it was the government 's aim to draw every adult 's attention to exactly how much their local services were costing and to encourage them to assess whether they were receiving value for money .
4 Once , when we were going up one of the main avenues in the city a lump of thawing snow fell from a tree under which we were passing and hit me on the face .
5 But then she noticed that the corners of his mouth were twitching and realised he was finding it hard not to laugh .
6 They were kicking and beating him .
7 In fact there appears to be no doubt that Stalin simply resented the independence that the Yugoslav leaders were displaying and believed they could be brought to heel as easily as communist leaders in other parts of Eastern Europe .
8 She knew what they were saying and realized she could come to church no more .
9 Were the technicians indifferent to what they were recording or did they sometimes become aroused too , and if so , were there rules against them joining in ?
10 She took it through to the kitchen where she and her friend were breakfasting and handed it over without speaking , then watched Stella 's face as she read .
11 The adviser spelt out the details of the scheme , saying that the self-appraisal consisted of providing factual information , looking at what they were doing and describing it so that advisers could understand what they are trying to do .
12 Me dad said he 's had enough Well , we were debating whether to give it to you or not .
13 If he had friends or relatives who were hiding or supporting him it would be a different matter , but this does not appear to be the case .
14 She walked warily as if his colourless eyes were judging and assessing her all the time .
15 She came upon the leather-worker further along the street surrounded by a mob of youths who were beating and kicking him .
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