Example sentences of "were [vb pp] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When the pistons were withdrawn it was discovered that two of the rings were broken .
2 When the piles were examined it was found that the bones of condemned men were also placed here , some of the skulls showing clear signs of decapitation .
3 When the fixed horizontal tailplanes were examined it was found that they had failed symmetrically and the upper skin on each side had completely separated in major sections .
4 However when graduates were examined it was found that mature students do as well as their younger counterparts .
5 When each of the three subject areas ( Art , Social Sciences and Science ) were examined it was found that mature students in arts and social sciences gained better degrees than the younger students however the opposite was found for science subjects .
6 But nationally and locally because it seems that the answer to crime is , the decision was reached with the Chief Constable and the chairman of the police committee with very little reference to and the deputy and we were not consulted on whether or not it should take place or ask what problems we would encounter we were told it was taking place .
7 Lord James promised to monitor the situation and to bring legislation forward if it were proved it was needed .
8 Before the new regulations were introduced it was found that most prospective solicitors gained some practical experience of : registered and unregistered conveyancing , landlord and tenant , matrimonial causes , probate and succession , family law , criminal law , accident claims , litigation generally and briefing counsel .
9 Inevitably signatories of the Convention must now deny any such intention , although when the provisions on transit rights were negotiated it was assumed ( or at least hoped ) that the United States would ratify the Convention .
10 When these two studies using rt-PA were combined it was found that the earlier the attempted thrombolysis the higher the patency rate of the infarct related vessel .
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