Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I can not understand why our pigs were criticized for being too fat because the meat was so sweet and tender , almost like chicken .
2 More seriously , the proposed authorities were criticized for being too large and too remote .
3 Whereas the men , the men were taught to be more tidy erm although let me say this that er if you asked Jimmy who was an old established fitter in Brothers , where you would find a certain item , you know , in the fitting department , er he could go and get it , erm but er when the new system was invoked er everybody knew that they were stored either you know to the north of the department or to the south or whatever .
4 He also found that on their face , the memoranda were intended to be immediately effective documents .
5 On the other hand , there is the ideological and institutional inheritance of feudalism : the assemblies of privileged estates , usually aristocracy , clergy , and commons , which had developed within feudal societies and were intended to be roughly representative of wider social constituencies or groupings .
6 UDCs were intended to be merely pump-primers to bring in the private sector , which after a time would be reduced as private sector finance took over .
7 Pavlova was unusually slender in an era when women were expected to be well rounded .
8 Despite the brisk sales reported in the last few days before Christmas , December saw a small decline in retail trade compared with the previous year , according to the Confederation of British Industry 's distributive trades panel , said on Tuesday that many retailers had reported a disappointing Christmas , although the results were an improvement on recent months and sales in January were expected to be up on a year ago .
9 The contents were expected to be badly corroded : in fact , with minimum effort bolts were undone , springs sprang , hinges opened and moving parts were easily freed .
10 These were analogous to the special migrant stations in the United States and Russia with the exception that most of the Tamils were expected to be only temporary migrants .
11 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
12 Previous generations were brought up in an age when it was thought not ‘ respectable ’ — especially for women — to enjoy sex ; and men and women over 50 or so were expected to be together ‘ for companionship ’ , to the exclusion of any sexual activity .
13 When children were expected to be unquestioningly compliant , parents would suppress undesirable behaviour without discussing the whys and wherefores of their prohibitions .
14 Er I , I suppose yes they probably were expected to be in by a definite time .
15 Although the report acknowledged that the Gulf crisis had adversely affected the economies of individual countries , most notably those of Jordan , Turkey , Romania , India and Yugoslavia , its effects on world trade were expected to be relatively small .
16 Meanwhile Anglo-American forces were expected to be fully stretched in air strikes against the USSR and in the maintenance of lines of communication across the Atlantic .
17 The available armed forces were expected to be fully committed to the defence of Italy in the first two years of a war .
18 Insurance claims from the huge IRA bomb blast in the City of London were expected to be around £300m ( $172m ) .
19 Using a definition of unfair trade based on " internationally accepted rules , as set out in GATT [ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ] , and in comparable international agreements " , the report indicted the USA for employing unfair trade practices in nine out of the 10 areas where offences were deemed to be most internationally common .
20 One of the company 's washing machines had been featured on a well-known consumer affairs television programme , and some of the selling tactics used by Argent Distributors ' salespersons were deemed to be rather suspect .
21 Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky .
22 These arguments have been used to justify the continued operation of branch railway lines and low productivity coal pits , where the costs of closure to the local economy were deemed to be too high , even if the operations themselves were unviable .
23 The risks involved in displeasing the company were deemed to be too great .
24 The quality papers , which published extracts from Peter Wright 's MI5 memoir , Spycatcher , were deemed to be almost as seditious .
25 Overall , patients were deemed to be psychologically stressed if the physician had noted stress at any of the scheduled appointments .
26 It is perhaps a reflection of the overall picture in academic libraries that their rates of use were deemed to be quite good .
27 The courses were Linguistics-based and were designed to be professionally relevant in a broad sense , though they included much that made no claim to immediate practical usefulness .
28 GCE O level and CSE were designed to be wholly different kinds of examinations .
29 Outdoor relief was removed , and the indsigent were consigned to workhouses which were designed to be punitively unattractive .
30 Critics of the regime were reported to be openly venting their displeasure ‘ at new laws , announcements of the government about future Party buildings , the planned social legislation , school reform , etc. , ’ and pointed to ‘ the higher taxes , the restrictions on personal freedom , the ‘ threat to the Christian philosophy ’ , the promotions in the civil service almost solely on the basis of attitude and Party membership without any consideration of ability , the activity of the Gestapo , the ‘ reign of terror ’ ( Schreckensregiment ) , the ‘ corruption ’ ’ , and the mismanagement of Party hacks and bosses , and were said to be conveying their discontent and doubts ‘ to ever wider circles ’ .
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