Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] out of " in BNC.

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1 Although a few other animals were captured , no adults were successfully moved out of the danger area .
2 As in the earlier books , the bravura set-piece dominates , and the most memorable concerns the crates in which the Portuguese have packed up their belongings , and which were eventually shipped out of Africa — Kapuscinski was to stumble on a few of them in Portugal , sunk , as it were , in the sand .
3 The brothers were literally run out of town and back over the English border .
4 Inevitably many marine creatures became extinct when their habitats were literally squeezed out of existence .
5 Indeed , to the straight Grand Planners ( of which North was not one ) , hostages were better left out of the picture entirely .
6 Age-related classifications became more common ; older people were inexorably shaken out of the labour market and portrayed as an unproductive ‘ burden ’ on the rest of society ; and most important of all , the concept of mandatory retirement was institutionalized in the 1946 National Insurance Act .
7 The Romanians , trapped in the pincers , were swiftly thrown out of Transylvania .
8 But unfortunately he did not last very long , and his views were soon considered out of date by his successors .
9 Listeners were finally put out of their misery just before midday when broadcasters finally admitted to the April Fool .
10 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
11 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
12 In 1124 the Skaven were finally driven out of the Empire and the people began to rebuild their towns .
13 At Leamington , in May 1920 , the coalitionists were finally driven out of the Liberal party .
14 The NAO , the taxpayers ' representative , said that by 31 March last year records of loans amounting to £21.3 million were incorrectly transferred out of a computer system for a considerable period .
15 Besides Andy Adams , robbed by a broken leg of the winning ride on Party Politics , three other jockeys Anthony Tory ( Docklands Express ) , Adrian Maguire ( Cool Ground ) and Mark Perrett ( Rubika ) were painfully put out of action on the first two days .
16 They were just dropped out of a union , it just happens the one we 're quite friendly with at the moment .
17 His conviction rested on two confessions Gilmour alleges were respectively beaten out of him and concocted by police officers .
18 WITH TEARS and bitter accusations of government insensitivity , an Angus family were yesterday thrown out of their home to make way for a new road .
19 Contraceptives in Britain were still kept out of sight , even male ones , and had to be purchased rather furtively , like guilty secrets .
20 The original management proposals were also changed out of recognition .
21 Their rank and file supporters were also rooted out of the Labour Party in a flurry of activity throughout 1939 .
22 The Harp , who had been chasing a fifth consecutive Division One title , were also thrown out of the Queensferry Sports Challenge Cup and this decision was upheld by the Coast FA .
23 If somebody slipped a little cache of something into his plonk , they were probably irritated out of their tiny minds . ’
24 That Molla Fenari was not unaffected by the upheaval caused by Timur is indicated by Asik Celebi who , in the biography of his own father , Sayyid Ali writes as follows : " In the interregnum [ caused by ] Timur Buhari ] Efendi , Molla Fenari and Sayyid Natta " [ Asik Celebi 's great-grandfather ] fell prisoner to Timur 's men ; and though at first they were afflicted with chains and fetters , they were later freed out of respect for the distinction of [ their ] status as seyyids and the distinction of [ their ] learning . "
25 The Lions were nearly penalised out of the match by referee Alan Riley , conceding the unacceptably high number of 20 penalties , especially in the line-out , but coach Ian McGeechan denied that he was worried , even though he was ‘ puzzled by the decisions . ’
26 For the rest the visitors were simply played out of it — and they could have few complaints .
27 They were then cast out of the Garden — ’
28 Whatever the mitigating circumstances — the heat , effects of jetlag and an injury to Mark Appleson — Scotland did not make a very good fist of it on Saturday when they lost their pool match to Western Samoa and were then tumbled out of the plate 38-5 by New Zealand .
29 They were then smuggled out of the building in a police decoy operation , being driven away in unmarked cars with blankets over their heads .
30 The imprints were then smuggled out of London 's Belmarsh Prison , which holds some IRA suspects .
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