Example sentences of "were [adj] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Even stilled , the great pistons were ample evidence of the power it could unleash , driving it like the mighty wheels of a train .
2 The bloody attempt to kidnap Princess Anne on the Mall just yards from Buckingham Palace and the successful break-in to the Queen 's bedroom by an unemployed labourer , Michael Fagan were ample proof of the constant danger the royal family faced .
3 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
4 Blue Arrow and NatWest Bank were component parts of the FT-SE 100 index .
5 The machines were hideous parodies of the human form , their metal casings and flanges moulded so that the robots seemed to be sculptures made of bones welded together , interspersed with flattened , grimacing skulls .
6 There were attempted revivals of the earlier spirit , as in the compagnonnage movement of self-organizing journeymen .
7 However , the six states that joined in this new venture were strong supporters of the Council and saw no incompatibility between the two bodies .
8 All five of the daughters of James Newbigin were strong supporters of the feminist cause .
9 His advisers in S Branch provided an alternative source of economic advice to the permanent civil servants , and they were strong supporters of the Section 's approach .
10 Great revolutions could , though perhaps only briefly , inspire even the most oppressed and a-political : the prostitutes of Paris were strong supporters of the Commune of 1871 .
11 Medical men , as well as the military and defenders of the double standard , were strong proponents of the Acts .
12 They were originally thought to have been two closely related species occurring together in the same rocks , but these ‘ pairs ’ were so consistently found together that it became more and more probable that they were sexual forms of the same species .
13 Often , of course , these were different forms of the same general relations , though the latter can not be reduced to the former , in all or even a majority of cases .
14 For a little while it was not clear that wave mechanics and matrix mechanics were different expressions of the same basic physical theory , but in fact that proved to be the case .
15 Successful borrowing and taxing were different sides of the same sound coin of reputation , but their relationship can best be understood if we look at the pattern and structure of each in turn .
16 The on the only difference in , were different sizes of the room .
17 Film was nothing in itself but what had confirmed its worthlessness was that it seemed the exclusive property of a class of showmen who were direct descendants of the old fairground showmen .
18 Most colonial commercial banks were direct offshoots of the main domestic French banks .
19 Banners of different colours , scarlet , red , green and blue , hung from the hammer-timbered roof whilst around the church were carved statuettes of the most breathtaking beauty depicting the Virgin Mary , St Joseph , St Patrick , and the whole heavenly host .
20 In addition , they appointed four Vice-Presidents and four Vice-Secretaries of whom seven were staunch supporters of the German System .
21 Mr Rodgers stressed he and Fred Rodgers , who represents the Oldpark area , were staunch supporters of the RUC , but believed policing should be ‘ even-handed ’ .
22 His predominant mode , in the Clarendon Building and All Souls designs and at Queen 's , as well as in other works , such as the Christ Church buttery ( 1722 ) and his Durham quadrangle range at Trinity College ( 1728 ) , was a simplified version of the baroque of Hawksmoor and Sir John Vanbrugh [ q.v. ] ; but the fellows ' building at Corpus Christi College , of which he may have been the designer as well as the builder , was close to the proto-Palladian manner of the Peckwater quadrangle , while his Radcliffe quadrangle at University College ( 1717–19 ) — again devised under Clarke 's direction — and his additions at Oriel College ( 1719–20 ) were faithful copies of the traditional Jacobean style of the adjoining buildings , the former including a skilfully executed Gothic vault .
23 The vast majority of heroin users were daily users of the drug at the time of contact with these agencies : 208 out of 215 known to the Drugs Council , 166 out of 171 known to GPs , and all 242 known to the Detoxification Unit .
24 All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year .
25 The instruments , the algorithms and the theory were inseparable parts of the whole study .
26 ‘ I examined the two bottles for prints and found nothing identifiable on the hydrochloride , but on the nux vomica bottle there were fresh prints of the deceased 's left hand and on the stopper good prints of the forefinger and thumb of his right hand .
27 They were enhanced parts of the lateral line system and probably used to detect water vibrations .
28 Then there were male relations of the deceased , few in this case .
29 Until recently they were joint stewards of the Royal British Legion in Swindon , into which they 'd poured four and a half thousand pounds of their own money , and just months ago received a letter from the board telling them not so work so hard .
30 To the journeyman , the equal payment of fat and lean , and the inclusion of the precious " extras " in the scale , were hard-won victories of the past , the stuff of union history , to be safeguarded at all costs .
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