Example sentences of "were [adv] taken [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 William Beveridge , the author of the famous report on National Insurance , was himself a Liberal , not a Socialist , and his ideas were widely taken up in the Tory Party .
2 Would-be actors and actresses were rarely taken seriously by the Movement .
3 Apart from the few wives and daughters of master printers who had picked up something of the trade in the family firm , the first women compositors in Britain to receive anything like a " systematic training " were apparently taken on by the firm of McCorquodale of Newton-le-Willows in about 1848.12 It was a little-known experiment that did not last .
4 The vogue for this owed much to a bastard Darwinism ; Latin nations were less taken in by it than were Slavs and Teutons .
5 The carrots , or tins , at the end of the walk were 200 tins of Pedigree Pal Partners dog food which were eagerly taken home by hungry dogs .
6 Possibly some of the Barrett 's cases were recognised before fundoplication , as oesophageal biopsy specimens were not taken then in five of 25 patients , including two of those in whom follow up endoscopy showed the condition .
7 So it thus came about that the fields , meadows , pastures and arable acres of Combsburgh were finally taken in from the waste which had existed for millenia .
8 He bought companies for cash , raised by issuing shares that were largely taken up by financial institutions .
9 Early versions of these theories were quickly taken up by clinical researchers looking for a formal way of examining what their patients — like the one above — were telling them and many experimental studies were carried out , guided by the hypothesis that schizophrenic features like overinclusive thinking are due to very weak filtration of the contents of thought , resulting in the psychotic individual finding it difficult to pursue a logically connected train of ideas .
10 The interacting actors of ( i ) a newly effective market among the young , of ( ii ) some culturally effective initiatives by the young , of which many were quickly taken up by the market , of ( iii ) a more general unwillingness by the market , in conditions of high competition , to observe the limits and pressures of established cultural reproduction , and yet ( iv ) the alarm of state and other established institutions at the sources and consequences of such cultural production , have combined to produce a situation of quite remarkable asymmetry .
11 The LTTE offensive appeared to take the government by surprise , and over 20 police stations were quickly taken over by the LTTE .
12 The remainder , with the exception of the woman with the dislocated jaw and the man with the angina attack , were mainly suffering from severe shock and were quickly taken out to the ambulances .
13 Sabah , aged 28 , and his brother , ‘ Abd al-Karim , aged 21 , were both taken away from their home in al-Fahahil on 7 March by seven or eight men in masks and civilian clothes and one in military uniform .
14 It was a costly night against Motherwell , however , because Richard Gough and Trevor Steven were both taken off after suffering groin injuries which will cast doubt on their availability for the immediate future .
15 Photgraphs were produced in court and these pictures were also taken soon after the arrests .
16 The major bus undertakings and the UndergrounD railways ( including the Metropolitan ) were also taken over on that day , and the minor bus operators were drawn in one at a time later , but the main line railway companies ( including their suburban services ) were excluded .
17 The number of arrests went up to 46 when the partners of those arrested were also taken in by police .
18 The bodies of the 11 were later taken away by soldiers and secretly buried or otherwise disposed of .
19 Pressure on land was fairly slack in the south ( most obviously shown by the fact that when holdings were reoccupied they were often taken up by men who already held land , and not by landless men ) , whereas in the east there was no shortage of tenants , and the demand for land was maintained .
20 Paupers were often taken back from the workhouse to their own parishes for burial .
21 Morning and afternoon sessions were mainly taken up with the business of the Union and these were highlighted by the clarity of reporting and the general agreement of delegates to the proposals put forward .
22 Dust from such holes sprinkled down upon the drillers and considerable amounts were inevitably taken in by their vigorous inhalations as they laboured .
23 The parents of one family were n't taken in for questioning at all that day , but Mrs W was .
24 And while we were , while we were there we had some invitations to , to dine out with well it was my daughter 's and we went and had a meal with them and they were quite taken back by er they lived in this little which originally I had thought was a was a er a poultry house .
25 The four were then taken back to Douglas .
26 The goods were then taken back to Mansha 's home where his girlfriend heard the men and saw Randhawa throwing the stolen jewellery around the kitchen .
27 This was because their programmes for investment of capital funds ( i.e. funds for the construction of new facilities ) , to support which ‘ growth ’ revenue for the running costs was of course required , were completely taken up with the task of moving general medicine out of over-provided London to the under-provided hinterland of Essex .
28 In many Third World countries national liberation movements which failed to create effective political parties were either taken over by military elites or else the governments which they formed were overthrown by military coups .
29 The French were certainly taken aback by Adenauer 's support for the common market .
30 On an operational level , however , the beneficial effects of price reductions on aggregate demand were never taken seriously in the neoclassical synthesis .
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