Example sentences of "were [verb] into [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A recent case on settlorship is Butler v Wilden 61 TC 666 where shares in effectively a shell company were placed into the names of two children who paid the appropriate price for the same but with the company being built up by two brothers Graham and Gary .
2 Bukharin was making clear the distinction between the period when means of production were gathered into the hands of certain groups , who then used them as capital and thereby began the process of the accumulation of capital , and reproduction o f capitalist relations of production .
3 Brown paint-streaked trouserlegs were tucked into the boots , and at the top the trousers ended in a scallop-shape where a hairy belly hung over in a loop , belly-button gaping .
4 We were to go into the mountains and spend one night in tents before making our rendezvous the next day .
5 In Germany even the most ‘ respectable ’ workers were pressed into the ranks of the proletariat by the distance which separated them from the bourgeoisie , and the strength of intermediate classes .
6 Instead of being directly involved , radical supporters were diverted into the groups where their thoughts could be sifted and selected at will .
7 Protective monocles were squeezed into the orbits of the combatants ' eyes .
8 How many hundreds or thousands of those gallons were tipped into the saucepans the report does not reveal , but certain it is that in these days it is not at all uncommon to find dishes of chicken , langouste or lobster flambé au whisky on the menus of French provincial and Parisian restaurants .
9 The changes were carried into the Companies Act 1989 and are now known as the ‘ New Settlement ’ .
10 We needed young men who were dragooned into the services in the fourteen/eighteen war and erm who never came back , and we needed a lot of them .
11 ‘ Hooligans ’ and ‘ Hooliganism ’ were thrust into the headlines in the wake of a turbulent August Bank Holiday celebration in London which had resulted in unusually large numbers of people being brought before the courts for disorderly behaviour , drunkenness , assaults on police , street robberies and fighting .
12 Clients of one firm who were pushed into the shares of a restaurant company were pulled out of them once the price started to rise .
13 The lines began to shake and the two flags that were pushed into the heaps of stones soon fell over , but Bobbie ran across and picked up one of them .
14 The building was almost unrelievedly functional , although some mural decorations were incorporated into the corners of the concourse and some simple ornamentation appeared above the lifts .
15 Illness or disease could result from ignoring such strictures and cattle could become ill if stones from an ancient site were incorporated into the walls of their shelter .
16 They were forbidden by law to return to within thirty kilometres of their estates , and their houses were turned into the offices of state farms , rest homes for party bosses or factory workers , schools , mad-houses , orphanages or just left to crumble .
17 Tom Kelly , director general of the Betting Office Licensees Association , confirmed that they were looking into the circumstances of the Lingfield race .
18 During the heart transplant epidemic which swept the so-called developed world following Dr Christiaan Barnard 's first Cape Town adventure , several crude pumps were sewn into the chests of unfortunate American citizens , all of whom promptly succumbed .
19 In order to conceal weapons , secret pockets were sewn into the linings of coats .
20 Chambers were built into the walls , and remnants of ledges suggest support for wooden floors .
21 Taking its way along the high sad wall confining the stableyard , it crossed , by a minute stone-walled bridge ( gateposts in exact relation to its height and arch were built into the walls tight as ingrowing toe-nails ) , the same stream that hurried down the garden hill .
22 For the first time in Wigston 's long history a class of gentry was beginning to appear ; moreover , substantial holdings were passing into the hands of absentee landlords .
23 Politically , relations remained tense for much of this middle period , sufficiently so to affect economic links between England and France , and England was allied with the semi-independent feudatories of the French Crown , Burgundy and Brittany , on a number of occasions until they were absorbed into the lands of the Valois dynasty in 1477 and 1492 respectively .
24 but erm erm anyway the erm children were absorbed into the schools of some sort
25 His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his camouflage jacket ; his head — short-haired , these days — was down .
26 He was dressed in a pair of well-worn-looking jeans that were stuffed into the tops of his black rubber boots , with a thick roll-neck sweater , a dark navy blue , beneath the battered-looking dark green waterproof jacket .
27 Bishops in every diocese in France could be seen sorting out conflicts in ecclesiastical organization according to its principles ; parish priests and laymen were drawn into the processes , whether as parties to disputes or as witnesses .
28 Donations were pouring into the appeals office in the basement of Great Ormond Street at the rate of £2 million a month .
29 People used to tell their dreams , lurid ones , sexy ones , when we were crammed into the locker-rooms during wet breaks .
30 But as they checked their tiny forces — a hundred or so ashore — the first German Stosstruppen , Thrust Troops , were moving into the docks over the bridges of the submarines ' basin 's southern lock ( 'D' ) at 0150 hours .
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