Example sentences of "were [verb] to an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the images were traced to an account by an author on Kashmir , and some to another one of Florida by a different author .
2 The ITA was given tight control over the number , duration , placing and content of TV ads , which for most of the period were limited to an average of six minutes an hour .
3 FIFTY children were treated to an afternoon of fun , games and food by Round Tablers on Saturday .
4 After dinner , all six finalists were treated to an evening at the West End award-winning musical The Forbidden Planet and each of them took home a Supersoft goodie bag , full of luxurious styling and finishing products from the range .
5 Having made their decision , Wendy and Mark were referred to an infertility clinic .
6 In Re Hammond & Waterton ( 1890 ) 62 LT 808 the court said that if a building dispute were referred to an umpire who was a barrister the procedure would be more likely to be an arbitration , and that if the umpire were a quantity surveyor it would be more likely to be a valuation .
7 The ballot papers from the other election were posted to an executive member of the RMT — the merged seamen 's and rail workers ' union .
8 The 1 km successes were to come to an end this afternoon .
9 By the optimistic view of the 1972 White Paper , they were to increase to an average of 6,000 full-time students each by 1981 , making 180,000 students in all .
10 Instead of dying by the age of about 40 , more were living to an age at which they could not continue to work and had to be supported .
11 Many of these were transferred to an internment camp at Long Kesh near Lisburn .
12 If one were to suggest to an electronics engineer that he might want to study how a circuit works by pulling bits out and observing changes in function his reaction would probably be one of horror !
13 In the symbolic construction of this community ( Cohen 1985 ) boundary images of inside and outside were elaborated to an intensity , making us crucially aware and ‘ conscious … of dirt that has ambiguously got onto the wrong side of the frontier ’ ( Leach 1976 : 61 ) .
14 The visitors were invited to an RAFA Battle of Britain banquet organised by the Sud-Ouest Branch .
15 In the Late Minoan period ( after 1600 BC ) carved stone seals were replaced to an extent by metal signet rings .
16 Where was the concern for the thousands not coming anywhere near the church and not caring about its ethos either , but who were bound to an eternity without God ?
17 The irony was that The Smiths were objecting to an article which suggested that they had become governed by power and finance with an action that was itself a display of power and finance .
18 BUILDING societies were called to an emergency meeting by the Department of the Environment this week in an attempt to defuse the growing crisis , over contaminated concrete blocks which is threatening to make unmortgageable up to 40 per cent of the housing stock in Cornwall and parts of Devon .
19 We were called to an explosion and house fire in Sutton-in-Ashfield and I responded as Officer in Charge and I pulled up outside , we dealt with the fire and then we began the investigation to find out what had happened .
20 At length we were called to an ante-room , where he was told to strip to the waist and wait .
21 I , I said I was sp you were speaking to an expert er so we went off at a blind tangent .
22 JUST when they thought the good times were coming to an end , Japanese building firms are being given a batch of orders for huge infrastructure projects .
23 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
24 Not surprisingly , some saw these victories as signs that the days of the mounted knight as the dominant military arm were coming to an end .
25 In most other respects , however , joint efforts , such as they were , to keep the peace , let alone to share the responsibilities of government , were coming to an end .
26 The servants believed there was some blight on Iskandara and her mother — they had gossiped across Alexandra in her nursery when she was supposedly too small to understand — some blight so that only daughters were born to these remarkable women who craved sons , and lone daughters at that , born late , at a time when most women were coming to an end of their childbearing .
27 It 's all going wrong for Forest just when Frank Clark thought his problems were coming to an end .
28 Well because I thought that the hits were coming to an end and I did n't want to become an all-round entertainer , I was n't suited to it , I w I did n't have any feeling for all-round entertaining .
29 This shows that when Churchill first asked his officials to brief him on the subject , R. G. Hawtrey replied that public works would indeed increase employment , provided they were linked to an expansion of credit .
30 Attention has also been drawn to the evidence of continuing peasant unrest even after the mass disturbances of 1905–7 were brought to an end .
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