Example sentences of "were [verb] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , both conceptions of the higher education enterprise were developed and indeed articulated within the framework of a set of wider philosophical values and meanings .
2 If so , it was very successful , for the incensed Bishop of London reported the matter to Charles I , who had the offenders brought before the Court of High Commission , where they were reprimanded and heavily fined .
3 The interaction between SENSS teachers and class teachers as they work together with the class and as they exchange information is a great improvement on the situation which pertained in the days when remedial groups were withdrawn and then returned to class with a total absence or communication .
4 In one of the experiments , a group of students were blindfolded and then taken on a coachride .
5 Other more drastic proposals were ventilated but never put into practice .
6 A further three wells were drilled and successfully tested to appraise the field — the last being completed in 1991 .
7 It was also commonly described by an interpretation of modern society as ‘ mass society ’ , in which such different elements as very large audiences , relative ‘ impersonality ’ of transmission or ‘ anonymity ’ of reception , and the ‘ unorganized heterogeneity ’ of ‘ democratic and commercial ’ societies were fused and indeed confused .
8 When the groups came together it was because in the fiction the Argonauts were landing and desperately needed food and shelter — which the younger children enormously enjoyed providing .
9 Refugee families in obvious distress were discouraged and often prevented from joining their relations and Asian friends in Britain by the Board 's refusal of all aid to them if they settled in areas with significant Asian populations .
10 Cars without stickers ( or four-plus occupants ) were reported and quickly fined .
11 With this diversity , extended distribution and mobility , came new forms and opportunities of artistic and cultural independence ; or , to put it more strictly , forms of direct dependence , within relatively monopolistic social and cultural reproduction , were modified and sometimes replaced by forms of more variable dependence on more diverse modes of such reproduction , and within this diversity there was some significant innovation .
12 Five of the seven ethnic groups that were relocated in this way were rehabilitated and partially repatriated to their native territories in 1956–7 .
13 These were eroded and eventually covered with the sea that deposited the limestone now lying above them .
14 But these were receding and soon ceased altogether , after a burst of three in rapid succession .
15 Women wore cosmetics that were caked and heavily coloured , so that painted faces largely obscured the natural complexion .
16 They hope the experiment will help them find out why a mother and baby were cremated and then buried in the centre of a large earth mound
17 They hope the experiment will help them find out why a mother and baby were cremated and then buried in the centre of a large earth mound
18 Five other items were prepared but never performed ( The Haunted Man ; The Bastille Prisoner ; Great Expectations ; Mrs Lirriper 's Lodgings ; The Signalman ) .
19 ‘ So you jumped to the conclusion that the two episodes were connected and instantly assumed that the villain was me ! ’
20 They also found that weed growth could be substantially decreased if radishes were grown and then cultivated into the soil .
21 By contrast , during the century or so which separated the Reformation from the civil war , very few English parish churches were built or substantially renovated .
22 Dismembered bits of poor Montrose were collected and then buried with honour in St Giles , the High Kirk of Edinburgh .
23 Howard , which was the ‘ muppet house ’ [ house for women who were disturbed or particularly distressed ] , also had screws on all night .
24 In a measured reconsideration of Blincoe 's account , after a modern historian seeking to defend the early cotton masters sought to discredit it , Professor Musson concluded : There is no doubt whatever that many children were exploited and ill treated in the early textile mills , that they were used as cheap factory labour , that their hours of work were far too long , that accident , ill-health and deformities were common , and that cruel punishments were often inflicted .
25 It is possible that some were made but later destroyed or stolen .
26 Stock solutions of inhibitors were made and serially diluted in the culture media .
27 Popular forms were expropriated and then given back suitably packaged .
28 These specimens were pooled and immediately frozen .
29 Moreover , even in states where entrance examinations were testing and strictly applied , many of the highest diplomatic posts continued to be given to men who were not professional diplomats .
30 In addition , several bales of cannabis were jettisoned and later recovered in an air/sea search .
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