Example sentences of "were [noun] [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore I am not able to suggest to you , and have n't been able to in my evidence which district even a new settlement er ought to go in , but I have to say that if it were part of your deliberations that you should choose a particular district , er then it is not part of my submission that you should not choose a particular district , but my bottom line is that the policy wording should at least ensure that there is commitment to a new settlement and it is inescapable on behalf of the district planning authorities , the last thing that we would want is the possibility of going round the districts , and the last one to produce a district wide plan is the one that has to get the new settlement , that seems to be a gen , fairly unsatisfactory way of proceeding , and each one should have to consider that as part of their certification process .
2 His association with these Hammersmith artists was a little resented by Elinor Moynihan who felt that , in comparison with the Soho painters , the Hammersmith set were artists with their claws pulled out .
3 What Hollywood had been doing was living off its wits and trying to survive as best it could but it now responded to this challenge not necessarily by taking Dr Dale 's ‘ entire world ’ as its range but at least by ensuring that there were values in its films .
4 The Serbs are first referred to as a distinct group in the Balkans in the writings of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII ( Porphyrogenitus , nominally emperor from 913 to 959 but effectively so from 945 ) His massive work De administrando imperio , written in the tenth century , refers to Serbs who were subjects of his predecessors and who were converted to Christianity in the ninth century .
5 ‘ Origins of the Present Crisis ’ , published in New Left Review in 1964 , and ‘ Components of the National Culture ’ , four years later , were texts of their times that excited a generation which , at least in many of the social sciences and humanities , now commands the heights of the academic system even if their radicalism has been dulled by more recent discontents .
6 Thomas Brinton , bishop of Rochester , preached that the English defeats were punishment for their sins .
7 But there were hollows in her cheeks and she was too thin for beauty .
8 Yeah , they 're quite soft anyway it just felt as if they were sort of my toes were sort of jammed up against the end but
9 Reach for them , and they were mist between your fingers .
10 ‘ There were rings on his fingers .
11 There were inconsistencies in their views , the students having inherited some of the contradictions of the past .
12 Do you know she said she was n't coming to our wedding right up to the last moment , and when she did consent to come she behaved as if all the guests on my side were mud beneath her feet , though our family 's always been very well thought of around here , as I 'm sure you know , and my father could have bought her up a hundred times and not noticed the difference , and what was her father in New Zealand I wonder , some sheep dipper or other I would n't mind betting — you know the type that went to the colonies then — or perhaps he was a convict ! ’
13 Afterwards , there were people with their mouths open going ‘ My God , we 've never seen this much violence in an Allen movie . ’
14 Suzanne , I could call myself Suzanne : it was the name of one of the actresses Dad had brought to stay at our house for a week because there were bedbugs at her lodgings .
15 There was the smell of flour and dripping on her apron front , lovely cosy smells which gave a safe feeling , but there were tears on her cheeks .
16 There were tears on her cheeks .
17 There were tears on her cheeks and he carefully eased them away with gentle fingers .
18 There were tears on her cheeks .
19 There were tears on his cheeks .
20 Miss Phoebe 's pitted cheeks were quite pink and there were tears in her eyes .
21 ‘ Well , I 'm avoiding Broad Street because of the cranes , ’ Meg replied , and Lee saw that there were tears in her eyes .
22 ‘ My lord , it is good to see you , ’ she told him , and this time there were tears in her eyes .
23 There were tears in her eyes .
24 Horror ‘ There were tears in her eyes , even though her face was burned . ’
25 There were tears in her eyes and when they went through to the kitchen she hugged and kissed them both .
26 There were tears in her eyes as , withdrawing her hands from him , she nodded .
27 There were tears in her eyes as she gazed up at him .
28 She was shouting now , and nearly crying — there were tears in her eyes .
29 Anne looked at me and I could see , even in the state I was in , that there were tears in her eyes .
30 There were tears in her eyes as she looked down across the footlights to the man in the front row , on his feet now , applauding .
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