Example sentences of "were [noun] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the gutter shouting children pursued the polished carriages that rattled towards the rue de la Blanchisserie , but the coachmen were experts with their long whips which snapped sharply back to drive the urchins off .
2 Most of the corner boys were experts in their preferred weapons , the bottle , the half-brick , or the sharpened pick-axe handle .
3 Instead , they were badges of her aroused masochistic passion .
4 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
5 Swiney 's feminist hygienics and Pankhurst 's medical polemic were part of their broader criminal law strategy to halt male vice .
6 He went on at some length , complete with the appropriate gestures and noises , on his experiences as a car jockey in a parking garage : other people 's cars were part of his early training as a driver and , like every Italian kid his age , he had had a burning admiration for grand prix racing and the great heroes of his day , especially Alberto Ascari .
7 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
8 Some were part of my social life as well , even if this was simply lunching together in the staff canteen or dropping into the pub for a drink on the way home .
9 I think almost daily there were discussions between our two shop stewards and the quarry owners about you know , levels of production , expected targets , increase in production and all this , and er I think you know through those daily discussions we made our side of the argument known and we we told him that we 'd work to rule if things were n't proper and if we did n't like it .
10 It was rare for the painter to be able to do his own engraving , and conversely few engravers were artists in their own right .
11 These Justices of the Peace were forerunners of our present county councils .
12 Edgar 's male chauvinism ( though this was a phrase not yet current ) and his expectation that his work was always , would always be of greater importance , than her own — these were aspects of their mutual dissatisfaction , no doubt , although both were , decades later , to concede that Edgar at this time was paying a high psychological price for having renounced his theatrical ambitions ( old Cambridge friends of his already had their names in lights in the West End , while he was a mere house officer ) and that Liz was still suffering from the trauma of confronting her mother with her total , final defection .
13 There were aspects of his previous work which contained the implicit basis of his anti-Jacobinism .
14 Until 1958 , females , even though they were peeresses in their own right , were not admitted .
15 Clutton-Brock ( 1974 ) , for example , using finer instruments and methods than the earlier work , and applying it to species contrasts , was able to show that differences between two colobus species living in the same forest were functions of their feeding ecology .
16 In principle parsons had the advantage , but in practice rectories with cure of souls tended to be the poorer ones , for many of the best were impropriate to their monastic patrons , which in almost every case had ordained a vicarage and endowed it adequately — rarely with less than £5 a year , more commonly £6 — while rectory incomes tended to vary widely .
17 ‘ When I first saw them I thought they were costermongers with their black and white trousers .
18 The T family were involved with the agency for many years ; Mrs T had a serious and long-term psychiatric condition and there were difficulties with their adolescent children .
19 Buildings which were evidence of its 900 years history have disappeared and their places taken by unremarkable retail stores and car parks so that several references to streets and buildings in the book are difficult to follow .
20 Carrick were favourites after their semi-final victory over Cliftonville , but Old Bleach deserved a lot of credit , for they took the new champions to a nerve tingling finish .
21 It had been meant to give time for negotiation if there were problems about their proposed campaign .
22 There were rings on her pretty hands .
23 All the girls I used were n't bimbo model types — they were people in their own right .
24 His judicial appointments were much criticized on the ground in effect that ‘ Halsbury appointed to the High Court , and to a lesser extent to the county court , men of little or no legal learning whose previous career in public life had been largely in the service of the Conservative Party or else were relations of his own ’ .
25 When she raised her head , there were tears in her dark eyes ; Cissie 's eyes , too , were bright and full .
26 She was smiling , although there were tears in her grey eyes .
27 Now , as the train swayed up the coast , there were tears in his own eyes too .
28 The events of the summer of 1182 show , beyond all doubt , that while they stood united the Angevins were masters of their huge dominions .
29 There were fightmarks on her flat face , and she had a figure that owed more to steroids and implants than nature .
30 There were threats to his academic career , but they came from a different direction .
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