Example sentences of "n't being [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My days can involve patrolling the island to make sure that people are observing the rules and that the birds are n't being disturbed either on the land or from the sea .
2 were they being transmit , they were n't being picked up from the U S A were they ?
3 If I was n't being held up by the man 's gripping hand hauling me through the ferns I feel like I 'd fall down .
4 The most upsetting thing for me has been to see her medical notes and realise that she could have got the right treatment at home … that is if her country was n't being torn apart by war
5 He says we need to get private cars out of the city centre and make it into a place which is safe for pedestrians and cyclists , not polluted and where the buildings are n't being torn apart by traffic .
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