Example sentences of "n't a [noun] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At this point the two girls just marched off the train , one of them picked up David , the other one picked me up , screamed Russian things at the soldiers — I have n't a clue what they were saying — and marched us back on the train and barred the door , while the Russian soldiers were standing on the platform screaming horrible things at them .
2 ‘ Ah but we did n't know what we were doing then ’ , is no doubt the department 's answer , an answer echoed by local farmer , Jack Maher , though the ignorance of local farmers seems understandable , while that of the department seems culpable : ‘ We had n't a clue what they were going to do .
3 Erm yeah if you try and transcribe stuff , as I discovered doing my P HD you know , I did n't realise how much gibberish was talked and often things the meaning 's clear in the conversation but if you listen to the words or l w read the words later y'know you have n't a clue what they 're on about and yet you 're fairly sure
4 And the marvellous thing in Plato of Socrates , when he 'd been told by the Delphic Oracle that he was the wisest of men , he started off like a sort of good poperian scientist trying to falsify this and he went round finding people wiser than himself and he went to various people and they were n't any wiser , and then he thought ‘ Oh , the poets , they 're marvellous people , they know so much ’ , and he went to them and he found that the had n't a clue what they 'd written .
5 And he went to them , and he found that they had n't a clue what they 'd written , and he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by a Muse .
6 To be truthful , she had n't a clue what she was doing .
7 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised breathlessly , so bemused by that time that she had n't a clue what she was apologising for .
8 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
9 I mean he had n't a clue what it , what was written in it .
10 I have n't a clue what you 're on about .
11 I have n't a clue what I can do — apart from write sermons , which wo n't earn very much for Camphill .
12 I have n't a clue what I 'd do , but it would certainly be music . ’
13 He 'd sounded as though he was being sarcastic , or ironic , but again she had n't a clue what he meant .
14 ‘ You have n't even begun to try to understand … you have n't a notion what it was like , all the cars and the blood and the glass and the boy with the blanket over him , and a girl breaking her ribs , and all the hanging around and waiting … it was … it was … just awful . ’
15 Oh no about three something like that , she was n't a baby what I meant
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