Example sentences of "n't tell [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't told them you speak French and they 've discovered I do n't . ’
2 ‘ But you still have n't told me what brought you here in the first place . ’
3 It was strange , the conversation Dad and I had , because when I saw him at home later and over the next few days he behaved as if it had never happened , as if he had n't told me he 'd fallen in love with someone else .
4 ‘ You have n't told us what to do with the handbrake , miss , ’ said Sacco .
5 Oh I had n't told you he 'd met anybody yesterday .
6 Do n't tell everybody I said to that Yes they 'll be probably be smashing even when
7 Too much do n't tell me they sell cookers in here Right look at these marvellous no I mean the
8 they , oh do n't tell me they do n't know , they run the company see
9 Now they do n't tell me what to say ?
10 ‘ Do n't tell me what to do , ’ he snapped .
11 ‘ Do n't tell me what to do , ’ he said .
12 All she seems able to say is , ‘ Do n't tell me what to do , I can look after myself . ’
13 She helped but she did n't tell me what to do all the time .
14 But do n't tell me what to do all the time .
15 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
16 I said well frankly Cheryl with her record I 'm not in I said she takes off when she pleases , she comes down when she wants something I said she doing me some good at christmas I said I do I quite understand that I said I do understand and I 'm I 've nothing nothing to do with me that 's entirely up to you and she said and you would n't tell me what to do you wo n't change our minds , I said no I 'm not trying to change your minds but you asked me what I would do I said and I think there and now she 's She said and I do n't care what you done , I 'll do I 'll do , I said she 's got hundreds of where they smash the windows and break into so regularly .
17 He says you do n't belong in this country , he says you 're a bloody Chinese , get back to bloody your own country , you do n't tell me what to do in my own bloody country and all this lot .
18 The compass could tell me in which direction I had to go — it could n't tell me what lay between where I was , and where I wanted to get to .
19 ‘ And do n't tell me somebody gave ye it . ’
20 ‘ Do n't tell me she does her own car maintenance , ’ commented Iris .
21 And now , her hand outstretched , and with a break in her voice , she appealed to Ben : ‘ Do n't tell me she 's been picked up .
22 But he did n't tell me he 'd been going out with her for three weeks and he 's never .
23 Do n't tell me he has n't made a set at your pretty mistress ! ’
24 Now do n't tell me you spent the night sitting on the station , because they would n't let you , or parked in a stolen car , because you 're not that stupid , not quite .
25 Do n't tell me you 've met Colonel Bumface before , boy ?
26 Do n't tell me you 've gone in for politics .
27 ‘ Do n't tell me you 've given up being a fashion model ! ’
28 Do n't tell me you 've found them ? ’
29 Now do n't tell me you 've forgotten .
30 " Do n't tell me you 've never thought about it .
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