Example sentences of "n't know [adv] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps we do n't really know enough and we do n't know where to go for information , I mean I do n't know er I , I I 'm not an expert but there are experts here , how would you assess the services available to people who feel they do need help , or for people who perhaps do n't know they need help ?
2 I do n't know where to go from here !
3 ‘ We 're up the creek because we do n't know where to go from here . ’
4 Do n't know where to look for help
5 ‘ Well , I do n't know where to start in this lot , ’ Elinor said .
6 But Mary would n't know where to phone until tomorrow when she got the letter .
7 She did n't know how to banter with the opposite sex .
8 It is obvious that the government does n't know how to respond to the messes it has partly created and partly suffers from .
9 He asks something which , you know , I mean the way they do , what is life , and you would n't know — unless you 're perhaps trained or awake to the significance of what the child is actually asking — you would n't know how to respond to that , so you tend to put it off .
10 He asks something which , you know , I mean the way they do , what is life , and you would n't know — unless you 're perhaps trained or awake to the significance of what the child is actually asking — you would n't know how to respond to that , so you tend to put it off .
11 Are you painting the pictures when you 're asking the questions ? if you could , fine , good empathy , you doing a good fact find , right let's do a presentation shall we , let's see erm , ooh , you do n't know how to ask for the order do you ?
12 ‘ They did n't know how to listen without expectation , ’ he told me .
13 ‘ You would n't know how to behave in church , ’ Ella said from inside her cupboard .
14 I tend to see people as walking garbage cans , fill of all this mess they do n't know how to deal with . ’
15 They do n't know how to deal with the times .
16 How terrible , what has happened : I do n't know how to deal with any of it .
17 The defence described Rennie as ’ a kid who did n't know how to deal with his broken heart . ’
18 but erm and she thought I sha n't know how to deal with a girl at all
19 But quite often grown-ups do n't know how to deal with someone who 's lost a partner
20 I do n't know how to put into words the very great depth of gratitude that I owe for his patience , for his advice , and for his friendship , but most of all the love and respect that I , as I have for him .
21 I hope you do n't mind answering a letter from a man , but I do n't know how to cope with this woman in my office .
22 He did n't know how to cope with someone who was nice to him all the time because all the other people that he knew best ( including his parents ) had always been unkind to him .
23 I do n't know how to cope with that , and it frightens me .
24 ‘ But I do n't know how to cope with drug addicts ! ’
25 She has gone from having no attention whatsoever , to having lots of it , and she just does n't know how to cope with it .
26 I did n't know what the hell was happening , and I certainly did n't know how to cope with it ! ’
27 She simply did n't know how to cope with the strange , inexplicable feelings of desire which were increasingly racking her mind and body .
28 She had never felt this way before , and did n't know how to cope with it .
29 They do n't know how to cope with it .
30 Impossible to reconcile space suggested by charts and space of room , which is just what I wanted , but for so long did n't know how to arrive at .
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