Example sentences of "n't [vb pp] [pers pn] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 've written a letter which I 'll read out to you , I have n't posted it because I think I ought to read it to the meeting and get their approval erm , or otherwise , erm , Dear Miss , this is the General Secretary , W I subscription nineteen ninety two .
2 At the moment they use their sitting room umm as just somewhere to put toys and washing and , just have n't decorated it or anything the dining room is still used like a living room , and what they really need is another room where they can .
3 As I said , I had n't won it and we were having all this trouble at home with the Federation .
4 Meg wished she had n't said it before it was out of her mouth .
5 but I have n't seen her since we left school in nineteen forty eight .
6 I had n't seen her since my wedding day , but had heard she was ‘ housekeeping ’ for some Pakistani gentlemen in Rotherham .
7 I had n't seen her since you went to America , and then about six months ago I was staying the week-end with the Coleworthys and I thought I had better drop in to see the old girl in case she heard I was in the neighbourhood and took offence "
8 I have n't seen her since I left Plumford , and I saw as little as possible of her before that . ’
9 and I went with her last week , then she had to go again on Monday , but she went Saturday as well , then she had to go back up Monday the last , so she has n't been have n't seen her since I 've been gon na go up all week but the weather
10 And I mean we have n't seen them since ours hardly have we ?
11 I have n't seen them since they were born . ’
12 I have n't seen him since they took him away , screaming his head off , with Jonathan Johns telling everybody gathered round that it was all my fault , bloomin' unfair because I ca n't help it if Pitt has the kind of bones that break easily , can I ?
13 It was obvious she had n't seen him since I had .
14 I have n't seen him since I left Switzerland five years ago . ’
15 It 's significant that you sit here in this house , so comfortably , calling my father by his first name while I have n't seen him since I was eight . ’
16 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
17 I have n't seen him since he was a baby .
18 ‘ 'Course , I ai n't seen you since you left , ’ he was saying .
19 We 're a bit concerned about Dorothy , we have n't seen you and her for such a long time .
20 And , and you think to yourself oh we 've seen everything , but I used to get pleasure in taking somebody to the potteries because I knew they had n't seen it and it would be like ooh , when they got there , you could see the shock , the surprise in their eyes when they went in there
21 When household chores get left , you feel guilty you have n't done them because you consider it 's your job .
22 I 'd like Elizabeth to bring that forward yep for my benefit , as I know I have n't done it and I 'd like it as a prompt .
23 you know , it is just so frustrating , you know and er some of these kids he said and the language they use , one girl came in , she had n't been in for three or four days , he had n't met her and he said hello you must be such and such er
24 that he 'd got out of the creche I think , cos he had n't got it when he went out .
25 If they if you have n't told them that we want a banker 's order signed all right ?
26 Banker 's order they 'll use if if you have n't told them that we want a banker 's order signed .
27 I have n't told them when I start .
28 ‘ You have n't told me if you like my new dress ? ’
29 Anya has n't told her that I 'm here .
30 There was no point in asking if his wife had n't told him if they never spoke .
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