Example sentences of "n't [coord] [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally as Mary describes , our panels ’ tempers are severely tested by fishkeepers who ca n't or wo n't do the basic background reading for themselves .
2 Cowardly , because the public sector is an easy target , people who ca n't or wo n't hit back .
3 But there 's at least one fantasy Prince ca n't or wo n't live out , one role he ca n't slip into with ease : the black pop statesman .
4 Frank is n't at home , Azul 's unlisted , I try the local paper here but they ca n't or wo n't help and the airlines refuse to give out information on passengers .
5 But as you ca n't or wo n't recognise the truth even when it 's told you , there 's really no point in continuing this conversation . ’
6 This is an extension of ‘ Did I really hear it right ? ’ but moves on from there , to a feeling that unless they see the evidence then they ca n't or wo n't believe it .
7 Under strain for a start because it was technically ill-equipped to avert disaster or to cope with the consequences when disaster struck ; under strain from commercial pressures which , as the inquiry puts it , ‘ compromised ’ safety ; under strain above all because the people on the spot could n't or would n't cope , were weary from gruesome working hours ( the senior signal technician who heads the list of the culpable had had only one day off in the past 13 weeks ) , lacked adequate training , or simply could n't be bothered .
8 He knew his mother was dying and he either could n't or would n't go to see her .
9 I tapped on the armour-plated glass but he could n't or would n't hear me , so I pressed the button marked ‘ Reception ’ and the old buffer jumped vertically like a Harrier with wind .
10 ‘ Everyone knew in the business at the time , ’ she continued remorselessly , ‘ but you had such a problem with your ego you could n't or would n't accept it !
11 But he either could n't or would n't understand , and he left it at the back .
12 What we do n't or should n't do , is to regard every County Farm as a sacred cow .
13 If Luke would n't or could n't walk away , she would have to be the one .
14 When Charles Darwin first explained the matter , many people either would n't or could n't grasp it .
15 And I ca n't and wo n't hold back when you grind your sensational ass against me , a woman is only human .
16 And within the next half-hour , because I ca n't and wo n't hold these people off any longer than that .
17 George knows Lennie ca n't and wo n't remember things so he is patient enough to repeat things for Lennie ; time and time again , day after day .
18 ‘ They are chasing a dream that does n't and ca n't exist , ’ a spokesman said .
19 ‘ I know that does n't and ca n't excuse the way I came here and attempted to pass myself off as Cara , but I 've otherwise tried to keep to the truth , as far as possible . ’
20 Israel wo n't and should n't pay for the freedom of Kuwait
21 The show could n't and should n't end there .
22 I did n't and could n't see it as a progressive condition which was bound to culminate in some sort of breakdown or breakthrough .
23 There are often features asking for pen-pals etc , I 'm sure Leeds do n't and will not take any responsibility for any correspondance resulting from these .
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