Example sentences of "n't [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The name change was necessary , it was argued , because the original name referred to a single event that had taken place over a decade previously , that it gave the wrong image , and did n't properly describe the work being done by the organisation .
2 And the theory of evolution which does n't properly understand the nature of these structures is really a jolly incomplete theory .
3 Erm there have been erm , I should have written it down actually because I 've I 've just gone a complete blank , there was that erm that famous case in the States ah and there were two people who 'd erm I think the main impetus for the abuse of their child came from the came from the man came from the husband and there was a great deal of er debate as to why the woman had n't successfully protected the child or successfully done something about it er and I 've forgotten the names of the people and I 've forgotten when it was .
4 I still could n't fathom why I did n't altogether trust the man , ‘ I must be off , ’ I muttered and returned to lim .
5 Do n't suddenly increase the amount of exercise you do , or become over-exhausted .
6 Like mathematics , it does n't only stretch the imagination .
7 Mr Wiseman does n't only have the safety of his hands to consider : in this case he might stand to lose his sight or sustain laceration from bits of flying clothespegs , blocks and cramps into the bargain .
8 He does n't only own the warehouse but has property dotted all over the city .
9 City dwellers , they knew that curiosity did n't only kill the cat like the old proverb said , it could also kill people !
10 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
11 ‘ But that does n't necessarily make the man a coward ? ’
12 Students at London University were almost unanimous today in saying a couple going to bed together did n't necessarily mean the woman consents to sex .
13 Er just for the record really it 's erm Mr Mr er 's not necessarily alone er in in his views , and and Selby District does n't necessarily accept the view that erm development in this location would be prejudicial to West Yorkshire .
14 Simon was at a Pavement gig , but it was n't necessarily featuring the band of that name .
15 We 've got now quite a lot of new officers who do n't necessarily have the experience of dealing with the situations .
16 That perhaps it 's easier to do in a smaller department , I mean I 've got checkouts , and the majority of my staff are part-time , and I 've only got three full-timers , so it 's quite often the case that at nine thirty , one thirty , five thirty , eight thirty , it 's a case of coming in and then relieving somebody else straight away , you do n't necessarily have the time to spend with them .
17 Erm so unless anyone is sponsoring , they would n't necessarily have the treasure on their stand .
18 Midsole damage does n't necessarily signal the end of your trusty old friend .
19 But whoever first comes up with something does n't necessarily get the credit for it .
20 TWW had n't long lost the franchise at the time and the early plans by Harlech , as they were then unwisely called , for news presentation in Bristol just were n't working out .
21 The people we asked did n't much fancy the idea of eating lasagne and quaffing Lambrusco in an old lavatory .
22 As Pound confessed in another letter in 1933 : ‘ Most Cantos have in them ‘ binding matter ’ , i.e. lines holding them into the whole poem and these passages do n't much help the reader of an isolated fragment …
23 The people who did seem to be enjoying things ( although they did n't much like the film ) were those who , unlike Jane , were there on their own terms .
24 I was offered a cleaning job that I did n't much like the look of so I left quietly before the final curtain .
25 I do n't know why , but I did n't much like the look of him .
26 " I do n't much like the look of things .
27 He did n't much like the thought himself .
28 Well , having talked about my interest in , in popular literature I suppose I should begin by saying I do n't much like the distinction between good literature and pulp literature but , on the other hand , I do accept that it has a function .
29 I do n't much like the sound of this .
30 All I can remember is that I did n't much like the food , but I ate obediently and probably out of fear of giving offence .
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