Example sentences of "n't [adj] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But she was n't used to being treated as though she did n't exist , and nor , despite her quip on deck , did she intend being a slave .
2 " I sensed that she was n't used to being contradicted . "
3 Blanche was n't used to being rebuked by her son .
4 This usage may be dialectal , as suggested by Kirchner ( 1952 : 456 ) , who gives the following examples from the twentieth century : ( 195 ) It was n't pleasant to be made feel like a good-for-nothing little brat .
5 MIPS duly rolled out its Magnum and Millenium systems last week : in the UK , journalists from across Europe trundled in two-by-two as the company treated the press corps to a glimpse of the inside of Ake Larson 's London Ark building in Hammersmith , which is n't due to be opened until next month .
6 Yeah , but you see then he 's at fault I mean like yesterday he come in he said he 's got to drop off at Milton Keynes and he said I , I , he were n't due to be dropped until what half past ten ?
7 So I said I know what he 's like , comes back and he turns up he says we 're just off now , I said oh you 've come back then I thought you were a bit rude just storming out of the funeral and not saying cheerio to everyone , he said I 've been insulted long enough by your family , I would n't be , I was n't prepared to be insulted any more
8 He was n't prepared to be carried along with the wave and the various things that he said about Europe were completely right for what he said .
9 ‘ But it is n't interesting to be courted by someone you know . ’
10 But she must know that it is n't clever to be asked to leave a country while on assignment .
11 But it is n't easy to be envied , any more than it is to feel envy .
12 Her various leadership positions had already given her opportunity to meet people of power and influence , but she was not so blase that she was n't delighted to be going to Buckingham Palace .
13 Well , he is n't supposed to be using it .
14 Cos there were n't supposed to be moving people into the flats with kids , you know with them falling down stairs and things like that .
15 ‘ You were n't supposed to be looking at me .
16 It happened to me when I was sort of looking at some sort of electronic engineering that I was n't supposed to be doing I was just looking at it for interest like Well I 'd like to have the time to spend on that but I 'll leave that thank you very much .
17 She did n't mind where I was when I was n't supposed to be working It was natural for a girl to roam She had men coming round , all the time They were n't like Michael .
18 Cos I said to , I said I know Sally ca n't work , I said but she was n't supposed to be working anyway .
19 It was n't supposed to be saying ‘ we 've been really hard done by and you 're all bastards ’ , or anything like that .
20 ‘ Visitors are n't supposed to be allowed , at this time of day .
21 ‘ You were n't supposed to be going out .
22 And one blessing is that we are n't likely to be saddled with the tag ‘ Team of the Nineties ’ — which is a real kiss of death — while we 're trying to find our feet in the Premier League . ’
23 She helped him push the motorbike combination over the cliffs into the sea , and drop the two dead men down a deep narrow crevice where they were n't likely to be discovered .
24 ‘ Flameback ’ and N. nigricans were introduced into one of my quieter Malawi tanks where they were n't likely to be harassed .
25 Some months ago , a reader sent me a copy of the form she 'd received from the States , but I was then advised this was n't likely to be honoured in law .
26 The war was over , I had a steady boyfriend who was n't likely to be shot down over the Ruhr , and I was working with a bunch of very congenial people .
27 Only she was n't likely to be caught twice that way , she thought with a cynical little smile .
28 I 'll lend you my suitcase , yours is n't fit to be seen … . ’
29 ‘ You are n't fit to be allowed out , ’ he growled .
30 Mrs Willies Williams is n't happy to be taking the money either. ,
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