Example sentences of "n't [adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 We do n't only get you to the hospital — we get you there alive ! ’ — commercial for a private medical firm
2 The fact that you have edited the school magazine does n't necessarily fit you to be an advertising writer , even though a feeling of familiarity with words is a good thing .
3 ‘ If there 's any problems we do n't just leave it to one member of staff , we try to sort it out together .
4 Do n't just leave it to the media and politicians to protest — get up and do it yourself .
5 Do n't just leave it to the marketing people .
6 ‘ I can understand your reluctance to talk about what 's happened but you ca n't just push it to one side .
7 As for that girl , if it was my father , he would n't just take you to the CRE , he would also give you a good thump .
8 Yeah , everyone was going on at how rough they are , I mean you ca n't as I 've said before you ca n't exactly expect them to be super models .
9 ‘ Well , yeah , but they do n't exactly consider you to be the greatest thing since sliced bread , now do they ? ’ she opined .
10 So you 're sitting in your office and some , you know your , your boss comes in and says hey the president says so and so , but the president does n't usually say it to you he says it to somebody else so there 's always , there 's always a possibility of ambiguity , somebody else has interpreted the president 's message in a particular way .
11 But in private we are comfortable living with ourselves — we just do n't always admit it to ourselves .
12 He took the bus , because his parents would n't always drive him to auditions , from Malibu to Santa Monica , 25 miles each way , at the age of thirteen , ‘ and the casting directors would literally take a Polaroid and say thank you very much and you got back on the bus . ’
13 And that he did n't really want me to .
14 Er well I ca n't really sing it to you , cos it 's on tape at the moment .
15 ‘ They have n't been involved for quite a while so you could n't really expect them to be picked , ’ said Thorstvedt , who is likely to be Norway 's last line of defence on October 14 .
16 ‘ I did n't really expect it to be like this , ’ says Howard .
17 Do n't worry , I wo n't really throw you to the wolves .
18 you could n't really take him to a tribunal could you , 'cos ya
19 I did n't really teach him to be a mime artiste but to be more of himself , physically , on the outside .
20 And she knew , although they would never have dreamt of telling her , perhaps did n't even admit it to themselves , that they were afraid of her .
21 A lot of them , of course , were so secret that Mr Marr could n't even show them to me .
22 Behind the myth of the big drinkers like Hughie Gallacher and Jim Baxter , are the people who did n't quite make it to the realm of myth , the lonely bores , the manic depressives , the failed fullbacks and the defeated unfortunates who had to retire early and find a job in the real world .
23 I understand your concern an and were that the case show your reluctance to go with the the amendment but there is no such implication that the three point six five one million er er thereby becomes committed in any sense and the big this is an additional provision which may lead er may gone up to er over and above that but it does n't actually admit it to that .
24 I ca n't actually give it to you because it will amuse suspicion from the guard .
25 Well I did n't actually expect you to be in really
26 I demonstrated the knitting of the ‘ sandwich ’ neckline but did n't actually sew it to the garment in class .
27 you ca n't safely send them to the toilet alone .
28 Cos it do n't half limit you to having a radiator that length .
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