Example sentences of "n't [verb] he [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Among the celebs busting to catch a glimpse of Nick 's end-of-the-pier nostalgia show were CLING POPPIE , JOHN from the NED 'S , SUEDE drummer SIMON , PAVEMENT , SEAN HUGHES ( cor , have n't seen him out for ages ) , ALAN and DAVE from the ROCKING BIRDS ( Hey !
2 I would n't give him up for the world . ’
3 I 'm terrified to let him out , but I ca n't keep him in for ever .
4 ‘ They wo n't keep him there for very long , ’ Schellenberg said .
5 Then I would think , I sha n't see him again for months , perhaps years , and it seemed ridiculous .
6 She did n't see him again for four days .
7 I ca n't thank him enough for what he is doing , ’ says Kim , of Romford , Essex .
8 Well , I mean , really what he does is , apart from being a puppy and chewing things , you ca n't tell him off for doing it , because if you do then that 's when he shows , you know , his teeth come back and really he makes you frightened .
9 She could n't blame him entirely for what had happened .
10 She do n't put him down for a minute , oh he feels insecure and he 's left his mummy and goes love his granny and come on your granny , I think oh carry on !
11 We have n't put him down for a nursery school- !
12 ‘ They caught this guy in Chicago customs , found AZT in the luggage of this PWA , and threw him in the pen and did n't let him out for a week . ’
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