Example sentences of "n't [verb] [pers pn] be that " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think she was that bothered , I 'd be annoyed , like !
2 I do n't think he was that bothered .
3 No , he 's not sure , he do n't think it is that h he 's he 's gon na cut the gas , he said it 's not right the er central heating pumps are well hot , he said it should n't be like that so he to there 's a little box up there he thinks it 's probably this box but he 's he 's trying to figure out what it is up there because he 's he 's just such amazed at price of pieces
4 I do n't think it was that Robert Rozario 'd admit to being the quickest player in the world .
5 the reason the world does n't know us is that it did not know him .
6 But the crucial thing he had n't told us was that his girlfriend was one of the operators involved in the ring , and he 'd just had a big row with her .
7 Well I we used er used to live in Macclesfield and er of course you know it springs to mind when er but I did n't realize it was that long ago .
8 It 's something that er not always happens like in the back propagation learning and people who invented it did n't realize it was that that important and did n't advertise it .
9 They talk about it as if that 's such a long period , and yet it seems like yesterday when my last one came out , but you do n't realise it 's that long ; you do n't sit round watching the calendar .
10 What he did n't tell us was that the boats were tied very loosely and had a disturbing tendency to drift apart as you were in the process of climbing from one to another .
11 What they do n't tell you is that the price of those meals may be artificially inflated .
12 What the manuals do n't tell you is that when the application is removed , the responsibility for removing or reversing changes made to the INI files falls upon you .
13 The books tell you that badgers love peanuts , but what they do n't tell you is that a plastic peanut packet is likely to go off in your pocket with a high-decibel rustle that will send any self-respecting badger right back underground .
14 They do n't say it 's that , but I know it is . ’
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