Example sentences of "or [adv] of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Designated accessible polling stations , er will themselves have to cover fifty percent or so of a constituency initially and people will be allowed to have access to a designated station if their own station is one that has not qualified at that time , although the aim will be a hundred percent designated er polling stations with full access .
2 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
3 When the 60-strong Troop was reduced through casualties to the 38 or so of an infantry platoon , their handling was very similar .
4 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
5 Aesthetes among the novices will by now be thoroughly irritable and complaining that gardens should have as much to do with the soul as with the necessity or not of a washing line or a barbecue pit .
6 A Bowser portable tank and pump for pumping petrol either into or out of a car .
7 In the jargon of finance an annuity is just a regular flow of cash into or out of an account .
8 A lucky stalwart might gain the patronage of some powerful upper-hab clan or even of a noble .
9 For most Greeks , a political party has long been not so much the voice of an ideology , or even of a class , as a system of social protection .
10 This might simply be the expression of a natural hauteur , or even of a Puritan dislike for self-revelation ; he also seemed to fear that other people would " take advantage " of him but , more importantly , there is a sense in which he felt threatened by the personalities of others — as if he might be invaded by them .
11 Not everyone proved to be a persistent reader of one paper ( or even of a group of similar papers ) but the majority did .
12 Fortunately , tribunals do not altogether ignore the interests of the affected employee when adjudicating upon the fairness or otherwise of a company 's actions .
13 Likewise , the physical suitability or otherwise of a boundary as which does not exist , can not arise .
14 Whatever its defects , the value of the SGA 1979 lies in its general applicability to all products and consumer transactions as well as in the fact that the consumer 's rights are not dependent on the existence or otherwise of a guarantee .
15 In assessing the genuineness or otherwise of a transaction , it is , of course , perfectly proper and logical to ask what the real purpose was .
16 Auditors certified the amount of the net deficit of a company under the terms of an agreement for the sale and purchase of that company , but stated that they were unable to determine the adequacy or otherwise of a provision made by the directors in respect of potential legal claims against the company .
17 It should include : a review of the physical condition and general suitability of the house alterations , adaptations and aids home support services the advisability or otherwise of a move financial needs Major upgrading of a substandard house may exacerbate dementia ; decisions need to be made in each case as to what improvements can be made with minimal disturbance to familiar surroundings .
18 In the final analysis , much of the success or otherwise of a policy will depend on which firms carry out the operations .
19 Provincial newspaper economics were a complex matter , including the size of the market , proximity to competing markets , the range of other media and membership or otherwise of a chain .
20 They may also include several additional items of useful information : the duration of disease ( for example , diabetes , malignancy ) or date of operation , the certainty or otherwise of a diagnosis , the existence of an unexplained or undiagnosed symptom or sign , and involvement of other hospitals or carers .
21 There are two rules as to the admissibility or otherwise of a contractor 's claim the contractor must produce evidence that additional costs were actually incurred
22 This way of seeing the development of databases can be misleading because it should not be implied that either each new generation will replace the previous generation ( all these systems will be used for some foreseeable time in the future ) or that each new generation is necessarily better than the previous one ( the appropriateness or otherwise of an approach will depend on the organisation and its applications ) .
23 The existence or otherwise of an enforcement notice will be revealed by the local search result .
24 This meant that the men on each farm , with the addition of certain seasonal workers like the company of sheep-shearers , agreed with the farmer to bring in the harvest on ‘ piecework ’ — so much per acre of crops ; or perhaps they would contract to get the harvest in during the period of a month from the time they started ; or instead of a month some agreements would state Twenty Four Fine Days .
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