Example sentences of "or [adv] he [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For instance , if someone had n't heard from a man friend for — oh , for a couple of weeks or so-when he 'd said vaguely he 'd ring — I mean , she might wonder if there was something wrong , if he was ill , or if she 'd offended in some way .
2 Or perhaps he had heard rumours of my goings-on , and had come personally to find out ‘ what Kirkup 's up to now ’ — the traditional BC phrase wherever they have the misfortune to discover my presence .
3 perhaps he had undone the knot and looked inside or perhaps he had done no more than lift it and feel its weight .
4 Perhaps he had got himself moved to the bigger town , or perhaps he had gone home to London as some of the children had done .
5 ‘ she has never seen what is good , how can she be good ? ’ — Vincent quoted from Zola 's L'Assommoir to back up his contention ; or perhaps he had read it there in the first place and appropriated it .
6 Or so he had kept on telling her .
7 However , for the last 6 months or so he had ceased to make regular efforts to find a job .
8 Or so he had thought at first , hearing her voice , looking round the well-furnished rooms , the shelves full of old china figures , in her polished house .
9 He could not think what had got into Helen , normally as rational as himself about all this , or so he had thought .
10 However , after a year or so he had recovered from all his problems except cribbing and an occasional bout of colic .
11 The coroner , Nicholas Gardiner , could n't say whether or not he 'd meant to take his own life and recorded an open verdict .
12 She could never face him at the party if she did n't know where she stood — did n't know whether or not he had rejected her apology or was prepared to be friendly .
13 Whether or not he had sent the article back ( if it had been rejected ) did not in the least matter .
14 Steen looked annoyed , but it was difficult to tell whether or not he had recognized the voice .
15 Secondly , it is immaterial whether or not he had obtained possession before he made the contract with the innocent purchaser ; it is sufficient that the possession was obtained before he transferred or delivered the goods or documents of title to the innocent purchaser .
16 To belabour the point of whether or not he had knocked would only make her sound shrewish , and she did n't want that added to his list of uncomplimentary adjectives , along with brash and brassy !
17 The officer was duly fetched in and asked whether or not he had taken a statement from Wells .
18 Several journalists questioned him about whether or not he had found it hard being Laura Ashley 's son and his answer told them more than they had realized .
19 And every bill dated November or later he got discounted at once and turned into cash .
20 Sooner or later he 'd known that he would tell the truth .
21 Or maybe he 'd given the McHoans some bits and pieces of furniture .
22 Or maybe he 'd gone back to patch things up with his fiancée ?
23 Or maybe he 'd spotted an old piece of long-forgotten shrapnel .
24 Or maybe he had seen the onset of labour in the way she had acted earlier , when he and Kāli untwisted the bales of hay for the night and spread out the fresh pine-needle bedding .
25 It should therefore have been aware of the danger that he would try to cover his liabilities from whatever funds he had access to ( Eagle 's funds ) , but that it made no inquiries about the source of the monies or how he had met his obligations .
26 For a moment or two Billy was too relieved even to ask what he was doing in the house , or how he 'd managed to get in when it was all locked up .
27 Once or twice he had confided in colleagues , who were sympathetic but had little personal experience of such illnesses which , in any case , were not in their field and Brian had become increasingly reserved , his life revolving round his work , his son and a wife with whom he had difficulty in communicating .
28 Once or twice he 'd gone to great lengths to deceive me but , more often , he 'd taken little trouble to cover his tracks .
29 Roland told his half-truth about his bit of a letter , not saying when or where he had come across it .
30 At the time I honestly never gave a thought to why Billy Tuckett had been poncing around on the roof in the wee small hours or why he 'd chosen Sunil 's bathroom to fall through .
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