Example sentences of "or [adv] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Either that , or perhaps that she had n't asked very many pointed questions .
2 but you got ta do two hundred words or less that you wan na be when you 're older .
3 I mean if you think about it it was just an impossible task to do it sort of fairly or so that everybody felt all right about it and also that you know if it 's your own children you 're having to choose presents you know the who whole idea was sort of very very difficult really .
4 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
5 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
6 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
7 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
8 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
9 Despite the fact that our genus has been around for some four million years , it is only in the past century or so that we have discovered the knack of using radio signals .
10 King cobras curl around their pile of eggs , encircling it with their coils , and crocodiles stay alongside their nest of decaying vegetation for the two months or so that it takes the eggs within to hatch .
11 Though the voice was larded with the tones owed to ‘ land in the family ’ , the man himself was decent , polite , unpretentious , and unpatronising throughout the half hour or so that I spent photographing him .
12 In the three years or so that I have been working at Joan Allen Electronics I have become acutely aware of battery problems , in particular from the many cases where detectors have been sent back for repair needlessly .
13 She was feeling as if she 'd made a long , exhausting hike instead of just the kilometre or so that she 'd actually walked , but it was n't a bad feeling .
14 ‘ Nothing , ’ she denied , ‘ or only that he missed her when she returned to Ireland .
15 That Neil was not sleeping there after all , or merely that he shut the flaps at night against the midges or the weather ?
16 are you saying , er , I 'll put it a third time , are you saying or not that you do not know whether the figures that you published are accurate until twenty one months later ? , is that what you 're saying ?
17 She was n't sure if it was a good omen or not that he made no comment .
18 I stress local : Verkhovensky 's group psychology is plausible enough but it does n't engage with anything wider or further that he proposes to do .
19 In the two years or more that she had been in Nordale she had almost come to think of it as home .
20 In addition , there is no protection against the old device of refusing admission to a solicitor ( or doctor ) and asserting afterwards that the prisoner did not ask for him or even that he had refused to see him .
21 Not that the gay Oz had been his idea , or even that he had provided much input , apart from advice on the telephone .
22 He accompanied this with a rude gesture — some say it was a noise , others that he stuck out his tongue , or even that he made a sign with his forearm .
23 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
24 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
25 We realise that this prospectus may not answer all your questions , or even that it contains so much information that it leaves you confused .
26 ‘ An order under section 61(1) that the third , fourth and fifth defendants and each of them pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct or alternatively that they take such other steps as the court may direct for the purpose of remedying the contravention by the first defendant of sections 47 and 57 .
27 Though his theories of perception ‘ made him slip so easily into a feeling that nothing around him existed , or alternatively that he did not exist in anything around him ’ ( 66 ) , he dismisses his own supernatural powers as coincidence until they become too overwhelming to be ignored .
28 It is far better to recognize that external circumstances have changed , or simply that one made a mistaken series of assumptions about one 's own relative strengths , rather than to plough on in a situation where plainly the goal you have set yourself is unattainable .
29 Some women have suggested reclaiming cunt , pointing out that the word has connections with cunning ( knowledge , magical power ) , or simply that it denotes a powerful and female area of the body .
30 ‘ Is it that you ca n't think of anything plausible , or simply that you refuse to make excuses for what you are ? ’ he wondered insultingly .
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