Example sentences of "that time [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Clay added : ‘ I have spent 35 years serving the nursing profession , most of that time as a member of the College .
2 We became known at that time as a labour school and still later , we were known as a farmer-labour school .
3 He was only missing from Palace line-ups from that time as a result of injury or illness , though his playing record demonstrates that he was prone to neither , and it was while we had Billy Callender in goal that Palace came closest to returning to Division 2 in 1928–29 , when we finished as runners-up to Charlton on goal average .
4 From this history , it can therefore be seen that the scope , size and shape of the Burston site has altered considerably in that time as a result of the £4 million that has been spent over that period .
5 I pushed him round that time as a baby of three that could not walk properly or talk clearly and had never sung .
6 Having followed P C and P C as he was at that time through the door , I went immediately to the bedroom on the right hand side , the second bedroom .
7 Although there were more than 100 British nationals killed in the accident there was no provision at that time for a State with such an interest to participate , but knowing that the minister was bound to be asked by MPs in the House what arrangements there were for investigating the cause of death of so many UK citizens I telephoned my old friend Michel Vigier in paris with a formal request that we might send a UK observer .
8 Nurses claimed she had waited most of that time for an ambulance to take her to another hospital .
9 The police do not hesitate then , and it is more important at that time for the Argentine to have their observers here in freedom . ’
10 Although there was clear authority at that time for the proposition that a man could not be guilty of the rape of a woman who lived with him outside marriage , Hale himself curtailed it by stating that cohabitation was not a defence but merely some evidence of consent .
11 ‘ If you start with a new house and new furniture it is usually about five years before anybody can get asthma in that house : it takes that time for the mite dung deposits to build up .
12 I must have said something about being in reasonably , good health despite a rather dismal daily round of commuting to Charing Cross and a crawl by bus up the King 's Road to the appropriately named World 's End pub , but that I was more tormented at that time with a clash of affections with two young ladies .
13 He has given very little account of how he spent his time , but he has said he spent the majority of that time with a travelling circus , both in this country and in the Irish Republic .
14 Imagery drawn from Maccabean sources associates the Westminster paintings of that time with a French , rather than English , stock of images and iconography .
15 It had not been as he had dreamed at that time with the beloved of his youth : fame and glory , honour and victory .
16 The tarn would have been about 50ft. in depth at that time with the bottom around the 1,300 ft. contour .
17 Mark that time on the schedule and regard it as sacrosanct .
18 If either the Darwinians on the one hand , or the religious leaders of that time on the other , did make any effort to reconcile the theories of evolution with the doctrines of religion , they made no progress and the two factions became hopelessly opposed , and the religious leaders set up intense opposition to the teachings on evolution .
19 The stone had been raised high just as Wexford was raising it now but brought down that time on the back of Hatton 's skull .
20 It was decided that from that time on the gypsy , Croat , German , Romanian , Serbian , Slovak , Slovene and Jewish communities would have one representative each in the Országgyüles , but that there would be no church representation .
21 At the age of seven I joined the village church choir and from that time on the parish church was the main context of my life .
22 In all of that time on the continent we did not encounter one set of road works , one traffic jam or one police car .
23 CATHERINE It was because of her I went to the head that time at the school .
24 Wealth was , however , not the only factor discussed by Veblen , and it is of particular interest that he ends his account of the leisure class with a chapter on ‘ The higher learning as an expression of pecuniary culture ’ , and with an emphasis on Classics as the key at that time to the concept of high culture .
25 The report on the coarse wares is very illuminating for the views at that time of a man who had spent a lifetime handling pottery .
26 ( Before I went to work in the morning I would take a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush and deal with the black-and-white chequered marble shop doorstep — in my memory it is a glittering affair , although cold on frosty mornings — because at that time of the day the rising sun often shone full down the High Street where we lived and on me , as I knelt on the cobbled pavement plying my scrubbing-brush . )
27 That is to say , I did not take sufficient account of the fact that at that time of the day , what Mr Farraday enjoys is a conversation of a lighthearted , humorous sort .
28 In fact , working at that time of the day often helps to clear the mind and although I do n't intend to forget about Brisbane I certainly wo n't dwell on it . ’
29 That 's all they got off the union at that time of the day .
30 And we er used to come through the Bay of Biscay at that time of the day .
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