Example sentences of "his [noun] 's [noun sg] he " in BNC.

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1 For his winner 's speech he sang the opening lines of My Way .
2 He walks beyond fatigue , beyond the limits of endurance and the frontiers of self , and somewhere along this path he loses his balance , falls off the edge of his sanity , and out here beyond his mind 's rim he sees , for the first and only time in his life , a vision .
3 In his mind 's eye he saw them together in the brass-ended bed , his lovely Sweetheart with her silky hair and creamy-white skin , and beside her the grinning Tom Fish with one more cruel weapon to use against a little boy .
4 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
5 In his mind 's eye he saw it boring its way into the earth , down , down , until it reached his brother 's face .
6 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
7 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
8 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
9 After the baby was born and he was no longer the sole focus of his wife 's attention he felt insecure and displaced .
10 After some months of working with him it gradually emerged that although he had indeed identified his wife 's body he had had a member of the hospital staff with him at all times .
11 Everyone around him had assumed that at the ti me of his wife 's death he must miss her very much and said what a wonderful person she was .
12 After his wife 's death he married a Miss Drayton who had gone to Jamaica as a single woman missionary teacher .
13 In his woman 's voice he repeated two conversations between waiters and men ordering plates of soup .
14 Although devoted to his father 's memory he always resented his extravagance and improvidence .
15 He seems to have taught for a while , but already politics called him , and with his father 's support he took ship for France .
16 Encouraged initially by his father in the belief that the acquisition and mastery of the culture dispensed in the state educational system was a necessary prerequisite to self-advancement , and spurred on by the conviction that to avoid his father 's fate he must acquire the one element that his father lacked , Nizan proceeded systematically and relatively uncritically between 1917 and 1924 to immerse himself in bourgeois culture .
17 At his father 's funeral he is rumoured to have said ‘ There is now only the old woman 's death to pray for' ’ ( he stood to inherit property in the town worth £900 ) .
18 Destined for his father 's career he studied at Guy 's Hospital where , in 1850 , he became demonstrator in chemistry .
19 But in order not to repeat his father 's duplicity he uses self-consciousness and temporal manipulation to keep the artificiality of this procedure in view .
20 After his father 's death he was taken into the house of a rich Christian lady of liberal sympathies — for Origen too liberal since she had a Gnostic chaplain .
21 For ten months after his father 's death he had unquestioningly taken the same train home , cooked a meal to be eaten at 7.30 ( as he had always done when his parents were alive ) , watched television , made a cup of tea at 9.30 ( as he had done when his parents were alive ) , and gone to bed .
22 He later married her and after his father 's death he was able to buy a house in St. Peter 's Hill .
23 Although only fifteen at the time of his father 's death he soon showed himself to be a cunning and unscrupulous politician .
24 After his pastor-father 's death he painted his heavy Bible , in dark light near two snuffed candles , looming over one small yellow novel , Zola 's La Joie de Vivre .
25 When he heard of his army 's defeat he proclaimed a huge mushroom feast and ordered his shamans to brew up a fresh batch of Mad Cap fungus liquor for the Fanatics .
26 On learning the reason for his predecessor 's dismissal he decided never to put his livelihood at risk by getting friendly with any of the Girls .
27 Occasionally when an employee is found to be driving whilst uninsured on his employer 's business he can put forward a defence where he shows —
28 On his doctor 's advice he is to see a specialist today following the mysterious breathing difficulties which saw him rushed to hospital on Tuesday .
29 On his doctor 's advice he is to see a specialist today following the mysterious breathing difficulties which saw him rushed to hospital on Tuesday .
30 However , the dividing line between what is and what is not permissible is often difficult to draw , as Maugham LJ illustrated in the Wessex Dairies case : … although the servant is not entitled to make use of information which he has obtained in confidence in his master 's service he is entitled to make use of the knowledge and skill which he acquired while in that service , including knowledge and skill directly obtained from the master in teaching him his business .
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