Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lyfing of Crediton doubtless owed his advancement largely to the influence of his uncle Brihtwold of Cornwall and to his own services to Cnut during the 1027 pilgrimage to Rome .
2 Flat road , no brakes , and he 's got his foot hard to the floor , it wo n't go any faster .
3 Humphrey did not confine his activities solely to the steel works and walked across the fields he had known during his earthly days .
4 A person can become a Christian for all sorts of reasons , but it is vital for Christianity if it is true , that he think through his faith afterwards to the point where he understands why he believes — at least to the level at which his mind demands satisfaction in understanding other areas of life .
5 Ellwood put his mouth close to the old man 's ear and whispered , showing his teeth .
6 Yet the Holy Spirit can take his words home to the conscience of the hearer and bring that person low in repentance and faith before the crucified and risen Christ .
7 He urged his horse forward to the very edge of the moat , for he had not so loud a voice as his nephew .
8 They waited while Crane trotted his horse across to the Tower .
9 John blew on his clenched fists and drew his knees closer to the brazier .
10 Similarly , purposeful action involves at least implicit recognition of some future achievement , but a general sense of the future could not have resulted until man applied his mind systematically to the problem of future events .
11 Lanrezac had moved his force forward to the northeast into the angle formed by the Rivers Sambre and Meuse , roughly between Givet and Charleroi .
12 I refer the Minister to his reference earlier to a scheme in Salford , where my constituency is .
13 Frankie blinked in the bright light , then turned his gaze reluctantly to the arched alcove on his left .
14 He explained that it was the delighted reaction of his bodyguards upstairs to the successive Tory victories .
15 For Pippin , this was a major coup ( the silence of Francia-based writers reveals a chronic failure to appreciate the significance of events in Aquitaine ) , which extended his range far to the north of the Limousin-Quercy area .
16 The feet being wide apart means that he can not move his feet properly to the short , or for that matter the full-length , delivery .
17 When she manoeuvred her hands out of his reach he would suddenly arch his back , straighten his legs , dig his heels into the bed and twist his body vigorously to the left , trying to get free of those firm , busy hands .
18 The news follows a decision by the Merseyside coroner , Roy Barter , to release his body formally to the family .
19 Eventually Humbert was forced to surrender , handing his sword gravely to the English commander and being treated with all the honours of war and politeness of diplomacy .
20 The Fawlty Towers star nailed his colours firmly to the mast when he married his third American wife this week in a secret ceremony in Barbados .
21 Once every six months the Profitboss takes his team away to a hotel for a two- or three-day residential workshop , perhaps from a Thursday to Saturday .
22 The 24-year-old Birchfield Harrier failed to win selection for Auckland and has turned his attention instead to the European Indoor Championships to be held in Glasgow in early March .
23 He was never keen on dissecting them but turned his attention instead to the banding patterns on their shells .
24 This was the first year since he became leader of his party six years ago that Mr Kinnock was relieved of his preoccupation with an ungovernable party and was able to turn his attention properly to the government of the country .
25 In marking the piece , draw his attention only to the words is , it , bom , stown , Point out to him wondow , garben and somedody to see if he can correct them himself .
26 He turned his attention mainly to the northern forests , however ; he examined the local juries as to the way in which they had been kept , and held Forest Eyres in all the northern Forest counties .
27 And there is persuasive evidence that Judas Thomas visited the town personally and brought his teachings directly to the established king , Abgar .
28 I remember a case where an architect designer , without excuse bent over the shoulder of his employee , a brilliant 22-year-old designer , and put his name unashamedly to the novel ideas and design of the young man , claiming them for his own .
29 Maxim shivered and took his drink away to the kitchen .
30 Halfway up the aisle the Ted turned his head again to the packed house and in the same pained voice of injured innocence repeated , ‘ 'E were touchin' me fookin' cock . ’
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