Example sentences of "his [noun] make him [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
2 We can assume that his scepticism extended to his belief in the efficacy of non-violence because he notes that reading Tolstoy influenced him greatly and cured him of his scepticism making him a believer again in ahi sā .
3 And Joanne 's seeing through his disguise made him a bit wary .
4 When he came to Arsenal , James told Chapman in no uncertain terms that he did n't like his plan to make him a scheming inside-forward .
5 He accepted that his return made him a target for the IRA .
6 His homosexuality made him an outcast , he had no job to do , very little money to live on , and ended his days in an alcoholic haze clinging desperately to his Old Etonian tie as the last link with his sordid past .
7 Ironically , Johnson 's lawless image endeared as much as it repelled. he was obviously a player who was easily unhinged but in the odd chemistry of Scotland 's footballing psyche , his recklessness made him a dangerous but likeable rogue .
8 His record makes him an outstanding candidate for an R Y A Award .
9 Mrs Jones recalls , ‘ I made him a robe and head-dress and his father made him a crook .
10 His silken touch , his ability to play off either foot , and his pace make him an obvious crowd-pleaser .
11 Peter admits his looks make him a target for casuals , the designer thugs who constitute one element in urban violence .
12 Heston 's wartime service as a B-25 tail-gunner with the US 11th Air Force in the Far East and his stardom make him an ideal Chairman .
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