Example sentences of "his [noun] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So his decision a few months later to join the Women 's Royal Voluntary Service as its first chief executive was probably enough to stupefy many of his peers .
2 Martin and his Faith No More buddies are also supplying several brand new songs for the movie 's soundtrack .
3 These remarks were made by a Unit General Manager reflecting on his experience a few months after WFP was published .
4 He would stand in front of the bathroom mirror in his boxer shorts and expand his chest a few times , breathing deeply .
5 The man of the house told us that he had to repaint his boat every few weeks as the chemicals stripped it back to bare wood.And his wife complained of burns all up one arm from washing her clothes in contaminated water .
6 She could look back down on her twenty-two years and see a tall handsome man , and she recalled his words a few minutes ago , ‘ Sorrow does n't last . ’
7 Lifted and dropped his shoulders a few times , he 'd seen people do it when they tried on clothes in stores .
8 The fourth member of the farmhouse group was led blinking out of his bedroom a few seconds later , a thin , scrawny young man with lank hair .
9 It took his eyes a few seconds to get accustomed to the gloom then he darted inside and ducked down behind a rusty skip close to the door .
10 ‘ Just what 're you getting at , young Angel ? ’ he asked , narrowing his eyes the same way he did when he had a cigarette going and he was looking in a petrol tank .
11 And he added his hope that in about two years he would have a more straightforward kind of book ready , developing his published studies on Diogenes Laertius , and possibly also an edition of Aeschylus ' Libation Bearers ( on which he had been lecturing earlier in the year ) Without any direct reference to this last suggestions Ritschl , in his reply a few weeks later , implicitly endorsed it .
12 Let's hope he 'll deliver his reply the same way . ’
13 He has had the great distinction of having to deny past intelligence experience — when the former Cabinet Secretary made his allegation a few years ago .
14 After Diana 's marriage to Charles , her father , Earl Spencer , always created a festival of fun for his grandchildren a few days early .
15 Another one to fall by the wayside with a 78 was Ray Floyd , who had picked up the US Open title Norman had let slip through his grasp a few weeks before .
16 Doone clicked his pen a few times , then at the bottom wrote Lewis Everard .
17 I have to confess that we failed to keep the secret until the day of publication : the sharp observation of sensed that ‘ something was going on ’ among his co-authors a few months before the book was published !
18 Mr Phillips can neither sell his house in Cardiff , Glamorgan , nor find a suitable new one in Swansea , where he took up his post a few months ago .
19 He called me into his room a few moments ago and said he was leaving .
20 He reared his torso a little way above hers in a pose that connected their loins in frightening intimacy .
21 You know very well you should accord the French governor and his officials the same respect you show to me and your grandfather .
22 During my short conversation with the Colonel , I was being observed rather suspiciously by three of his Officers a few feet away , sitting on top of their slit trenches performing their ablutions .
23 In his memoirs the former president writes , ‘ At the beginning of my second term , Congress , the bureaucracy and the media were still working in concert to maintain the ideas and ideology of the traditional Eastern liberal establishment that had come down to 1973 through the New Deal , the New Frontier , and the Great Society . ’
24 ‘ Now if the defendants were bound to charge the plaintiff for the carriage of his goods a less sum , and they refused to carry them except upon payment of a greater sum , as he was compelled to pay the amount demanded , and could not otherwise have his goods carried , the case falls within the principle of several decided cases , in which it has been held that money which a party has been wrongfully compelled to pay under circumstances in which he was unable to resist the imposition , may be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
25 Gordon included in his presentation a few shots of the journey through the UK to join the tour and some tram photographs .
26 Sonny shook his head a few times , trying to clear his fuddled senses .
27 He simply shook his head a few times and went on grinning .
28 A knife-point poked into his back every few seconds , so he knew that the mestizo was close behind him .
29 Where documents of title are involved it will usually turn out that the buyer transfers to his sub-purchaser the same document of title which he received from his seller .
30 In April 1820 Green 's doctor , Richard Scambler , and his prating wife are ‘ replete with folly ’ , and in writing his obituary a few months later Green ‘ can find very little to praise . ’
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