Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then Finn had come up , grim , silent and dripping blood , wordlessly shown her the dreadful cut and gone upstairs to his sister for a bandage .
2 In another passage our final text reads ‘ His words were as if meant for himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
3 The magazine text brings in the paradox of public and yet as if private utterance : ‘ His words were as if spoken to himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
4 His hope of a return to the frontline of European golf has been replaced by the prospect of joining the job queue in his native North East .
5 The Tilford Bach Festival continues to pay homage to J.S. Bach and his contemporaries in a church ideally suited to Baroque music , and a village little changed in appearance since Barbara Gregory and Denys Darlow had their inspired vision 40 years ago .
6 ‘ A workman , who had been injured through the breaking of a defective part in the machine with which he was working , brought an action of damages against his employers , and later convened as second defenders the manufacturers of the machine , who had supplied it to his employers , on averments to the effect that the accident had been caused by the fault of the manufacturers in that they failed to supply his employers with a machine which was safe for use by their servants .
7 My Super 's already got his knickers in a twist . ’
8 ‘ Why 's he getting his knickers in a twist anyway if he 's so sure it 's a mistake ? ’
9 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
10 He serrated the air with his sword and used his shield as a wall and a battering-ram .
11 You ca n't aspire to that degree of quality , but Peter Kirsten , who was my schoolboy hero , … well I think I can get to his level as a fieldsman and , perhaps , batsman . ’
12 Roland told his half-truth about his bit of a letter , not saying when or where he had come across it .
13 He replied that on the facts as stated the testator had validly confirmed his wishes by a trust , and had therefore given the same to each so that the nurses should enjoy the income from the land together with the foster-child .
14 Sexually mature males are driven out of this group once they grow big enough to constitute a threat to the dominant male ( although occasionally an ageing dominant male will allow a younger male to take over his harem and will be tolerated by his successor for a while ) .
15 Ankara diplomats saw his resignation as a way of distancing himself from an unpopular government .
16 When Birkenhead left office in 1928 , Baldwin accepted his resignation with a reluctance which was convincing because honestly expressed : ‘ We shall part , on my side at least , with a feeling of personal regret which I could not have believed possible four years ago . ’
17 There is no reason to think that Anselm would have thought there was any contradiction between personal humility and the display of the greatness of his office : quite the contrary , humility and grandeur met in the exercise of his function as a ruler .
18 It was too much , too soon because his development as a person could n't keep pace with his progress as a tennis player .
19 He supplemented his income with a number of anthologies , of which the most celebrated is Invective and Abuse ( 1929 ) , and by working as literary editor of Punch ( 1942–4 ) and the New English Review ( 1945–9 ) .
20 Averment that the plaintiff married Ellen Nicholl , relying on the said promise and so married while his income as a Chancery barrister did not amount to 600 guineas per annum .
21 Amid signs of increasing desperation , Bush appeared to adopt a two-pronged strategy , using his powers as President to take actions calculated to improve his popularity , while his campaign staff increased the negative content of the campaign by intensifying their attacks on the character of Clinton , particularly in regard to his attempts as a student to avoid being drafted to Vietnam .
22 On Tuesday in Strasbourg he will be renewing his calls for a crackdown on EC agricultural fraud .
23 But Paddy Ashdown , the Liberal Democrat leader , stepped up his calls for a coalition government .
24 Her mouth parting ardently beneath his , she began to unbutton his shirt with unsteady fingers , then slithered lower to kiss his bare brown chest , exulting in the thunder of his heart for a moment before she found herself flat on the sofa as Penry slid her jersey over her head , then dispensed with the scrap of satin beneath .
25 Doctors gave his liver to a 15-year-old boy , his kidneys to a 43-year-old mother of two and a man of 60 , his heart to a woman of 45 , and both lungs to a woman of 47 .
26 He 'll be explaining his views at a meeting on the crisis at Oxford Town Hall this evening .
27 The head of the British liaison mission reported that Yoshida had indicated his views on a peace treaty and associated issues :
28 ‘ We have some problems with some of his views on a number of major and very controversial issues , ’ said a chemical company spokesman .
29 It was a bizarre scene , with the City merchant banker being interrogated about his views on a number of subjects .
30 He amplified his views in a broadcast on state television .
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