Example sentences of "they may [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Or they may be of a different kind .
2 There are many people who come into English-language teaching without having passed through formal pedagogic processes , so that when they are confronted with the terminology of the subject , they may be at a disadvantage to those who have already been to teacher-training college or who have a university degree in linguistics .
3 They 've got all this on top of them as well as , say , they may be in a dangerous area .
4 They may be in a band or have a solo project which is unique but just based around singing and unusual compositions and so for them it 's harmony .
5 The price of over-identifying the struggle against racism with the activities of these extremist groups and group lets is that however much of a problem they may be in a particular area ( and I am not denying the need to combat their organizing ) they are exceptional .
6 Sexuality , he pontificated , was one of ‘ the areas of social life that are revealed only to medical men , in the hope that they may be in a position to suggest some mode of relief ’ .
7 It will also often be counterproductive to go to your second-choice expert simply because they may be in a position to do the report more quickly .
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