Example sentences of "they 've always [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The workforce at Swan Hunters have never asked for any special privileges , they 've always asked for a fair deal on a level playing field .
2 Er they 've always lived in South Wigston , all their life .
3 But of course Stephen knows him much better , he was at college with him , and they 've always kept in touch , in a fairly loose sort of way .
4 It 's doing what they 've always done for 50 years .
5 In my experience people will forgive a lot of things , but not being beaten at their own game by someone they 've always looked upon as a caricature . ’
6 But I have two lovely daughters and two sons , and they 've always looked after me and loved me .
7 They 've always married near kin and there is just no cousinage .
8 Marillion are now looking like the full-scale international merchants of pomp they 've always aimed at being .
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